UDP hole punching server and client implementation with twisted in python.
UDP and TCP NAT hole punching examples in python
Django admin inlines for unrelated models
Python library for fast elliptic curve crypto
More routines for operating on iterables, beyond itertools
Implementation of Thompson Sampling in Python
A modular and extensible networking stack which solves many challenges of peer-to-peer applications.
A sketch extractor for anime/illustration.
(No longer maintained) A faster and highly-compatible implementation of the Python programming language.
A proof-of-concept cracker for cryptocurrency brainwallets and other low entropy key algorithms.
Text progress bar library for Python
super-Django-CC is a simle web interface for
Process Common Crawl data with Python and Spark
Celery Batches allows processing of multiple Celery task requests together
Avatars for Zoom, Skype and other video-conferencing apps.
Universally Unique Lexicographically Sortable Identifier (ULID) in Python 3
WebRTC and ORTC implementation for Python using asyncio
OAuth2 goodies for the Djangonauts!
YOLOv5 🚀 in PyTorch > ONNX > CoreML > TFLite