— If a link is not supported anymore, add a :warning: (_This is my note_)
— When adding books, write a link for the book, then a comma, then write "By" and add the author name, and then write the publisher distribution after adding "—", e.g. (Book Name)[Link], By Author — Publisher
— When adding tutorials, write a link for the tutorial, then write a description after adding "—", and then write whether it's from a blog or a youtube channel, etc, after adding "—" one more time, e.g. (Tutorial)[Link] — description — type
— When adding blogs to visit, write a link for the blog, then write a description after adding "—", e.g. (Blog)[Link] — description
— When adding tools to use, write a link for the tool, then write a description for what it offers, after adding "—". If the tool has a link to download, please include it after writing a comma, then the link to it, e.g. (Tool)[Link] — description, (Download)[download]
— This is nothing, just me writing "—" again! I love it!
— When adding assets to use, write a link for the tool, then a comma, then write "By" and add the author name, then "—" and write a description, e.g. (Asset)[Link], By Author — description
— When adding hackathons, it's simple, just write the link to it, e.g. (Hackathon)[Link]
— When adding games to show as examples, write the name of the game, then a comma, a link to show the trailer for it, then a comma, a link to download it, then add "—", and then write a description, e.g. Name of the game, [Trailer](Link), [Download](Link) — description