A docker image with handebars / yq / yq and envsubst which is utilized for
generating nginx configuration based on env vars and a mounted services.yaml.tmpl
Get it on dockerhub
For each version of your services, environment variables which provide space-separated lists of upstreams are consumed when executing the entrypoint:
export V1_UPSTREAMS="example.com:7701 example.com:7702"
Those are inserted in services.yaml.tmpl utilizing envtpl.
After validation of the config, nginx conf files are generated with handlebars templating.
Check the examples:
- basic
docker-compose --file examples/basic/docker-compose.yml up
- multiple upstreams
docker-compose --file examples/multiple_upstreams/docker-compose.yml up
- rewrite
docker-compose --file examples/rewrite/docker-compose.yml up
- sunsets
docker-compose --file examples/sunsets/docker-compose.yml up
Please note: The end-of-life date is solely exposed but will not be used to disable the respective upstream. Hence, to actually turn off old versions they must be taken off from the services.yaml.tpl and a restart is needed.
Check sunsetHeader.hbs and unsatisfiableVersion.hbs to learn how these messages are composed.
Take a look at the examples to learn more about configuration.
For further insights, check schema.json used for validation of the services config.
Create your own services.yaml and .env file, Adjust to your liking:
cp examples/basic/services.yaml.tmpl ./
cp .env.example .env
Once you have adjusted both files to your needs, run
docker run \
--env-file=./.env \
-v `pwd`/services.yaml.tmpl:/services.yaml.tmpl \
-p 1731:80 \
If you want custom templates, simply mount your own hbs
and nginx