$ obdiag analyze sql [options]
--host=HOST tenant connection host
--port=PORT tenant connection port
--password=PASSWORD tenant connection user password
--user=USER tenant connection user name
--from=FROM specify the start of the time range. format: 'yyyy-mm-
dd hh:mm:ss'
--to=TO specify the end of the time range. format: 'yyyy-mm-dd
--since=SINCE Specify time range that from 'n' [d]ays, 'n' [h]ours
or 'n' [m]inutes. before to now. format: <n> <m|h|d>.
example: 1h.
--level=LEVEL The alarm level, optional parameters [critical, warn,
notice, ok]
--output=OUTPUT The format of the output results, choices=[json, html]
--limit=LIMIT The limit on the number of data rows returned by
sql_audit for the tenant.
the dir to store result, current dir by default.
The minimum threshold for filtering execution time,
measured in microseconds.
-c C obdiag custom config
-h, --help Show help and exit.
-v, --verbose Activate verbose output.