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Studies on the differences between ESModules and CommonJS.

ESM: ESModules

  • It only imports modules using the import syntax. You can't use require syntax. It would throw an error ReferenceError: require is not defined in ES module scope, you can use import instead.
  • Bundlers don’t know how to work with ESM modules that use the require syntax.
  • CJS is the default module system. To change it to ESM, set the type from package.json to module.
  • If module is using only named exports (no default export) and the other module is defaul importing the module, it throws an error SyntaxError: The requested module './A.mjs' does not provide an export named 'default'. The module exporting should export default too or the second module should named import the first one.

CJS: CommonJS

  • It only requires modules using the require syntax. You can't use the import syntax. It throws an exception SyntaxError: Cannot use import statement outside a module.
  • Can’t use ESM in CJS. It throws an exception: Must use import to load an ES Module.
  • In Node, CJS is the default module system. By default, the package.json uses commonjs as the type's value.
  • The require syntax is synchronous: there's no callback or promise.

Interoperability between ESM and CJS

From CJS to ESM

ESM can default import CJS modules even when the CJS module has no default exports (only named exports). It treats the module as an object, so it need to access its "attribute".

// ModuleA.js
module.exports.A = 1;

// ModuleB.js
import ModuleA from './ModuleA.js';

ModuleA.A; // 1

ESM can named import CJS modules.

// ModuleA.js
module.exports.A = 1;

// ModuleB.js
import { A } from './ModuleA.js';

A; // 1

From ESM to CJS

CJS can't import/require ESM. It throws an exception: Must use import to load an ES Module. If trying to use the import syntax, it will throw another exception: SyntaxError: Cannot use import statement outside a module.

From CommonJS to ESModule

Named exports

From CommonJS:

const a = 1;
const b = 2;
const c = 3;

module.exports = {

To ESModule:

export const a = 1;
export const b = 2;
export const c = 3;

Default exports

From CommonJS:

const a = 1;

module.exports = a;

To ESModule:

const a = 1;
export default a;

Named imports

From CommonJS:

const { a, b, c } = require('./module');

To ESModule:

import { a, b, c } from './module';

Default imports

From CommonJS:

const a = require('./module);

To ESModule:

import a from './module';

Caveats: imports and object destructuring

From CommonJS:

const {
  a: { b },
} = require('./module');

From ESModule:

// import { a: { b } } from './module';  -->  Syntax Error
import { a } from './module';
const { b } = a;