This file is meant as the 'one spot' to put information about requirements, agreements and ideas about branch specific information used in development, CI and DevOps contexts like
- versions of packages/components and tools
- supported editions and Linux distributions
- Meta-Information about Checkmk (like version)
.. to keep in mind when changing values/formats of files or making agreements
- All agreements, requirements and upcoming changes in this context should be documented in here
- Changes to this file should pass the usual review process with members of affected teams added as reviewers (in order to avoid WIP on related topics without coordination)
- Clear responsibility among teams / certain individuals should be made sure for all items listed in this document.
- This file should list all scenarios to keep in mind and consider when changing values/formats (see next subsection)
- All definitions in this context should (as far as possible) be maintained in files located in this folder and be kept as non-redundant as possible
- File formats easy to access/use even in bash, Groovy, Python, Bazel, etc.
- As many information needed to build/develop should be available in current checkout
A typical Checkmk developer works on a checkmk
clone and needs all information
and credentials needed to build/debug/test all components they work on.
Speed/efficiency is important, i.E.
- most 'typical' modifications to the code base must be able to evaluate / apply in only a couple of seconds
- also a 'CI roundtrip' should only be a couple of minutes
TBD: What are the different "types" of Checkmk developers with different needs, i.e. some workflows might priorize aspects like quick roundtrips, while others struggle with reliabliliy/reproducability.. e.g.
- "Check-developer" might want to quickly apply changes to Python files by just copying them
- "Core developer" needs toolchain to run natively and quickly
- "UI developer"..
- What else? (TBD)
- Safety regarding deliverables (e.g. versions of components contained in customer facing artifacts)
- Docker-contexts
e.g. documentation / website related needs to access information like BOM, werks, etc
This is a TBD-list of current sources of truth which might/should be consolidated, unified and brought together (or reasons for why not):
- Stuff from
- Credentials (pypi-mirror, Jenkins, Bazel, ..) (or recipies for how to get them)
- Checkmk version (and artifact version strings)
- Component versions
- Python version (together with other possible versions of tools)
- Perl
(information about test steps) - Docker Image Aliases (Pinned Docker images)
(as far as possible) - package dependency-paths (i.e. the paths formerly specified in Jenkins-jobs triggered only on changes in those directories, (e.g. for agents)) (currently stored in JJB/Jenkins-Jobs/Groovy files)
- OMD-package sources (i.e. urls/sha used by Bazel but in different contexts and also at different places, like Python version)
- Stuff from
/ supported / used distros per edition / context - Tooling (e.g.
) - Werks
After the above items have been handled, this chapter might be removed.
The following sections list stuff already implemented and should be seen as examples for newly added elements. In general
Format: YAML
Description: Lists single tests-steps executed by the generic change-validation job triggered by Gerrit, e.g.
Interfaces: Proprietary - list of named test steps being executed together with environment variables being evaluated
- CI / Gerrit triggered Change Validation Pipeline
- Local execution of same steps by invoking the
make target or by runningmanuallyscripts/run-uvenv buildscripts/scripts/ \ -e BASE_COMMIT_ID=origin/master \ -e WORKSPACE="$(pwd)" \ -e RESULTS="$(pwd)/results"
Future plans
- File should also contain all other (non
) tests and used in all other test pipelines - Test-Steps should be "container-agnostic" i.e. run all test steps natively enabling the CI using it's own way to run container
- File should also contain all other (non
Contains edition-specific information like supported distros per edition, targeted distros for specific tests, etc.
Read by: TBD
To be vanished
This is not a proposal, but tries to make things clear
├── # This file
├── pyproject.toml # Python Package dependencies - might have to be top-level
├── testing.yaml # stages.yml but better
├── editions.yaml # Information about edition specific stuff like distros, etc
├── external-packages.json # contains urls/shas
└── docker-image-aliases # contains image pins
├── IMAGE_UBUNTU_22_04