This TODO file is a draft, for now we organize it in terms of Coq todos, and coq-lsp todos. We also include some other interesting info.
- profit from command refinement
- lsp server process and coq-lsp-checker client for every document
- dune integration, auto-build, dap
- documentation links
- jump to definition
- integration with tracing
- warnings suggestions / fix
- flags for coq process
- Implement onsave => compile vo file? [see on-disk cache issues below]
This is a complex topic due to sharing; for now, we have some basic support for an on-disk cache, but quite a bit of engineering effort may be needed for coq-lsp to be able to use it effectively.
As a reference, a 18 MiB hash table can become 2.5 GiB if serialized naively without sharing.
Using `Marshall` for our Memo hash table does indeed work fine w.r.t. space, however the newly loaded hash table seems to be degenerate in some sense as the following happens:
- once the cache is loaded, for some reason `Hashtbl.find_opt` takes ages, spending all its time in `compare`
- moreover, for some reason the state is different, and we get a cache miss.
So a first step we would like to understand why we get a cache miss, likely due to some CEphemeron’s?
We get a cache miss even in the root state, so a first interesting try would be `-boot -noinit` and see if we have a miss.
Or even better, we could develop a state diff tool.
A big task is to rework libobject so we have more principled access.
There is a start of discussion in coq/coq#16261
Other misc todos:
- parsing state: this is the most critical part to do in Coq, as of today, parsing at different points in Coq requires a very costly state reconstruction, which greatly increases latency.
- common initialization code:
A initial attempt was done in following EJGA suggestions, but we want to merge with the other 3 copies that predate it, here, in SerAPI, and in jsCoq.
Some more flexibility is needed.
- Remove derive, improve API for multiple proof terms.
See issue: coq/coq#10363
- proof handling refactoring:
See issue: coq/coq#10041
This was greatly advanced but still work to do, and many possibilities
- Improve typeclass hook onto pretyper ? That seems messy, not sure it is worth it.
- refine the type of vernac interpretation. We want to make the
general state more explicit, in particular for parsing-only
commands, tactics, commands that alter the module structure.
A nice idea here would be to give the vernac more structure
- provide API for Coq SMT / CoqHammer and other tools to register processes with the document manager, there was a discussion in a Coq Hackathon about this.
- OCaml multicore
- lev + lev_fiber: prime candidate for us using it
- let-def/lwd
- what about Lwt? Does it work OK on Win?