visualising sequence similarity with Circos
code: we provide the main Perl script, and the server's CGI script and HTML page - you'll need Circos, BLAST, and BioPerl
before you run Circoletto, be sure to: - have Circos (tested with $circos_compatibility,, BLAST (tested with 2.2.25) in your path, and BioPerl (tested with 1.6.901) installed - check / edit (in the code) the two paths to Circos and Circos tools - if we cannot find them, we'll print a warning and exit - if you need to increase the max_sequences > 200, you also need to edit max_ideograms in Circos'
either --query or --q -> (path to) the queries --database or --db -> (path to) the database or --blastout or --bl -> (path to) the BLAST output
other (optional) arguments --best_hit -> set to show only best hit per query --best_hit_type -> best hit type, 'entry' to show all HSPs per best hit [default], or 'local' to show single best HSP --w_hits -> set if you want to show only entries with BLAST hits --z_by -> depth-order ribbons by 'score' (highest at top) [default] / 'score_rev' / 'alnlen' (longest at top) / 'alnlen_rev' --e_value -> E-value [default: 1e-10] --gep -> gap extension penalty, set to >=2 if you need to constrain it e.g. for genomic data [default: -1] --flt -> set to enable pre-filtering of query sequences --html_out -> set to provide BLAST HTML output (runs BLAST again...) --no_labels -> set to switch off labels --out_size -> set radius of output in pixels, so set to '1000' for a 2000x2000 output [default: 1000] --out_type -> output type, either 'svg', or 'png' [default] --score2colour -> score to colour ribbons with, 'bit' for bitscore [default], or 'eval' for E-value, or 'id' for % identity --annotation -> user provided annotation file, see 'example_annotation.txt' --annocolour -> colour ribbons by 'query' or 'database' default ideogram colours or annotation (see --annotation), or by 'query_rainbow_(colour|grey)' or 'database_rainbow_(colour|grey)' --invertcolour -> set to colour ribbons by SEQUENCE (i.e. not ORDER) invertion (or reverse complementarity or plus/minus), normal in black, inverted in lime --untangling_off -> set to turn off ribbon untangling --revcomp_q -> set to reverse complement query DNA sequences --revcomp_d -> set to reverse complement database DNA sequences --reverse_qorder -> set to reverse ORDER of query sequences, may help clarity --reverse_dorder -> set to reverse ORDER of database sequences, may help clarity --reverse_qorient -> set to reverse ORIENTATION of query sequences which then need to be read anticlockwisely, may help clarity --reverse_dorient -> set to reverse ORIENTATION of database sequences which then need to be read anticlockwisely, may help clarity --hide_orient_lights -> set to hide orientation lights at edges of ideograms, read from green (=beginning) to red (=end) --ribocolours2allow -> blue, green, orange, red in a format like this (including parentheses) '(green|orange)' or '(blue)' - histograms are not affected --tblastx -> run 6-frame tBLASTx for DNA vs DNA --cpus -> number of CPUs to use with BLAST