A framework for building create web apps – powered by Gleam and React!
import gleam/int
import lustre
import lustre/element.{button, div, p, text}
import lustre/event.{dispatch, on_click}
import lustre/cmd
pub fn main() {
let app = lustre.application(#(0, cmd.none()), update, render)
lustre.start(app, "#app")
pub type Action {
fn update(state, action) {
case action {
Incr -> #(state + 1, cmd.none())
Decr -> #(state - 1, cmd.none())
fn render(state) {
button([on_click(dispatch(Decr))], [text("-")]),
p([], [text(int.to_string(state))]),
button([on_click(dispatch(Incr))], [text("+")]),
❗️ This package relies on Gleam's JavaScript FFI and is intended to be run in the browser. It will not work if your are targetting Node.js or Erlang.
If available on Hex, this package can be added to your Gleam project:
gleam add lustre
and its documentation can be found at https://hexdocs.pm/lustre. You will also
need to install react
and react-dom
from npm:
npm i react react-dom
First, make sure you have both Gleam and Node.js installed, then:
npm i
npm start
This sets up chokidar
to watch our gleam source code and runs the compiler
whenever we make a change. It also starts a server that will serve the examples
located in test/example/