steveschow / gfxCardStatus
Forked from codykrieger/gfxCardStatusThis is a fork of gfxCardStatus, this fork will handle integrated-only mode a little better
el1t / uBlock-Safari
Forked from gorhill/uBlockuBlock Origin - An efficient blocker for Chromium, Firefox, and Safari. Fast and lean.
spion / sticky-listen
Forked from indutny/sticky-sessionSticky session balancer
jcf / dotjs
Forked from defunkt/dotjsEvaluate Javascript in your $HOME directory in any webpage
saitoha / mouseterm-plus
Forked from shabble/mousetermAn experimental fork of brodie's MouseTerm.
caot / pycdc
Forked from zrax/pycdcC++ python bytecode disassembler and decompiler
veged / ometa-js
Forked from alexwarth/ometa-jsOMeta for JavaScript
dnatag / SublimeTODO
Forked from robcowie/SublimeTODOExtract TODO-type comments from open files and project folders
zdennis / git-pivotal
Forked from trydionel/git-pivotalA collection of git utilities to ease integration with Pivotal Tracker
int3h / homebrew
Forked from Homebrew/legacy-homebrewThe missing package manager for OS X.
The default channel file for the Sublime Package Control package manager. Fork, add your repository and send a pull request.
int3h / SublimeClang
Forked from quarnster/SublimeClangC/C++/ObjC/ObjC++ autocompletions and code navigation
A minimap plugin for TextMate.
int3h / projectplus
Forked from ciaran/projectplusProjectPlus is a plug-in for TextMate which extends the functionality of project-related features.
A better sidebar for Textmate. Forked to change the bottom panel buttons to be more Mac-like.
TextMate bundle for Cucumber