go get github.com/iqquee/[email protected]
fscache "github.com/iqquee/fs-cache"
Debug() enables debug to get certain logs
fs := fscache.New()
// set if you want to get logs of activities
Memdis gives you a Redis-like feature similarly as you would with a Redis database.
Set() adds a new data into the in-memory storage
fs := fscache.New()
// the third param is an optional param used to set the expiration time of the set data
if err := fs.Memdis().Set("key1", "user1", 5*time.Minute); err != nil {
fmt.Println("error setting key1:", err)
Get() retrieves a data from the in-memory storage
fs := fscache.New()
result, err := fs.Memdis().Get("key1")
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("error getting key 1:", err)
fmt.Println("key1:", result)
SetMany() sets many data objects into memory for later access
fs := fscache.New()
testCase := []map[string]fscache.MemdisData{
"key4": fscache.MemdisData{
Value: "value4",
Duration: time.Now().Add(time.Minute),
"key5": fscache.MemdisData{
Value: false,
setMany, err := fs.Memdis().SetMany(testCase)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("error setMany:", err)
fmt.Println("setMany:", setMany)
GetMany() retrieves data with matching keys from the in-memory storage
fs := fscache.New()
keys := []string{"key1", "key2"}
getMany := fs.Memdis().GetMany(keys)
fmt.Println("getMany:", getMany)
OverWrite() updates an already set value using it key
fs := fscache.New()
if err := fs.Memdis().OverWrite("key1", "overwrite1", 1*time.Minute); err != nil {
fmt.Println("error overwriting:", err)
OverWriteWithKey() updates an already set value and key using the previously set key
fs := fscache.New()
if err := fs.Memdis().OverWriteWithKey("previousKey", "newKey", "newValue", 1*time.Minute); err != nil {
fmt.Println("error overWriteWithKey:", err)
Del() deletes a data from the in-memory storage
fs := fscache.New()
if err := fs.Memdis().Del("key1"); err != nil {
fmt.Println("error deleting key 1:", err)
TypeOf() returns the data type of a value
fs := fscache.New()
typeOf, err := fs.Memdis().TypeOf("key1")
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("error typeOf:", err)
fmt.Println("typeOf:", typeOf)
Clear() deletes all data from the in-memory storage
fs := fscache.New()
if err := fs.Memdis().Clear(); err != nil {
fmt.Println("error clearing all data:", err)
Size() retrieves the total data objects in the in-memory storage
fs := fscache.New()
size := fs.Memdis().Size()
fmt.Println("total size: ", size)
Keys() returns all the keys in the storage
fs := fscache.New()
keys := fs.Memdis().Keys()
fmt.Println("keys: ", keys)
Values() returns all the values in the storage
fs := fscache.New()
values := fs.Memdis().Values()
fmt.Println("values: ", values)
KeyValuePairs() returns an array of key value pairs of all the data in the storage
fs := fscache.New()
keyValuePairs := fs.Memdis().KeyValuePairs()
fmt.Println("keyValuePairs: ", keyValuePairs)
Memgodb gives you a MongoDB-like feature similarly as you would with a MondoDB database.
// Persist is used to write data to file. All data will be saved into a json file on the server.
This method will make sure all your your data's are saved into a json file. A cronJon runs ever minute and writes your data(s) into a json file to ensure data integrity
fs := fscache.New()
if err := fs.Memgodb().Persist(); err != nil {
Insert is used to insert a new record into the storage.
type User struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
Age int `json:"age"`
fs := fscache.New()
// to insert single record
var user User
user.Name = "jane doe"
user.Age = 20
if err := fs.Memgodb().Collection(User{}).Insert(user); err != nil {
// to insert multiple records
var users = []struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
Age int `json:"age"`
{Name: "Jane doe",
Age: 25},
{Name: "Jane dice",
Age: 20},
if err := fs.Memgodb().Collection("user").Insert(users); err != nil {
InsertFromJsonFile adds records into the storage from a JSON file.
fs := fscache.New()
if err := fs.Memgodb().Collection("user").InsertFromJsonFile("path to JSON file"); err != nil {
Filter is used to filter records from the storage. It has two methods which are First() and All().
First is a method available in Filter(), it returns the first matching record from the filter.
type User struct {}
fs := fscache.New()
// filter out record of age 35
filter := map[string]interface{}{
"age": 35.0,
result, err := fs.Memgodb().Collection(User{}).Filter(filter).First()
if err != nil {
All is a method available in Filter(), it returns the all matching records from the filter.
type User struct {}
fs := fscache.New()
// filter out record of age 35
filter := map[string]interface{}{
"age": 35.0,
// to get all records with matching filter from the storage
matchingRecords, err := fs.Memgodb().Collection(User{}).Filter(filter).All()
if err != nil {
// to get all records from the collection from the storage
allRecords, err := fs.Memgodb().Collection(User{}).Filter(nil).All()
if err != nil {
Delete is used to delete a new record from the storage. It has two methods which are One() and Many().
One is a method available in Delete(), it deletes a record and returns an error if any.
type User struct {}
fs := fscache.New()
filter := map[string]interface{}{
"age": 20.0,
if err := fs.Memgodb().Collection(User{}).Delete(filter).One(); err != nil {
Many adds many records into the storage at once
type User struct {}
fs := fscache.New()
filter := map[string]interface{}{
"age": 20.0,
// to delete all records with matching filter from the storage
if err := fs.Memgodb().Collection(User{}).Delete(filter).All(); err != nil {
// to delete all records in the collection from the storage
if err := fs.Memgodb().Collection(User{}).Delete(nil).All(); err != nil {
Update is used to update a existing record in the storage. It has a method which is One().
One is a method available in Update(), it updates matching records from the filter, makes the necessry updated and returns an error if any.
type User struct {}
fs := fscache.New()
filter := map[string]interface{}{
"age": 35.0,
update := map[string]interface{}{
"age": 29,
if err := fs.Memgodb().Collection(User{}).Update(filter, update); err != nil {
LoadDefault is used to load data from the json file saved on the server using Persist() if any.
type User struct {}
fs := fscache.New()
if err := fs.Memgodb().LoadDefault(); err != nil {