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This extension of LIBLINEAR supports distributed training for the following two solvers: L2-regularized logistic regression (primal) L2-regularized L2-loss support vector classification (primal) Jar ================== The Jar of Spark LIBLIENAR in the root directory is with the dependencies: Scala 2.10.3 and Spark 0.9.1. If you would like to generate a Jar with other versions, you can edit the versions numbers in liblinear.sbt and use sbt to generate the Jar. To use sbt, you need to download sbt-lauch.jar to sbt/. On Unix systems, the following command is helpful to do this. $ wget -O sbt/sbt-launch.jar Then you type 'sbt/sbt package' to generate the Jar. It will be generated in target/scala-x.xx/. Guide ================== This extension has been tested only on Spark 0.9.0 and 0.9.1. We assume that: - You are a LIBLINEAR user who is trying to run it on Spark. - Spark has been built up in your environment. If not, please build it up. You can follow the guide on the official site of Apache Spark or our guide for installing Spark on VirtualBox. - ``heart_scale'' is the dataset you want to train. - SPARK_HOME is the directory where SPARK is installed. LIBLINEAR_HOME is the root directory of Spark LIBLINEAR. Now see the following example to learn the usage. 1. Add the Jar of Spark LIBLINEAR to SPARK_CLASSPATH environment variable. $ export SPARK_CLASSPATH="LIBLINEAR_HOME/spark-liblinear-1.94.jar" 2. Start Spark shell. Step 3~7 are all in Spark shell. $ SPARK_HOME/bin/spark-shell 3. Add the Jar of Spark LIBLINEAR to SparkContext. >>> sc.addJar("LIBLINEAR_HOME/spark-liblinear-1.94.jar") 4. Import the classes in Spark LIBLINEAR. >>> import 5. Load the dataset from HDFS. Note that you have to specify the master and path instead of using "masterMachine" and "/path/to/heart_scale". >>> val data = Utils.loadLibSVMData(sc, "hdfs://masterMachine:9000/path/to/heart_scale") 6. Build a model. Note that you can specify LIBLINEAR options in the second argument of train(). >>> val model = SparkLiblinear.train(data, "-s 0 -c 1.0") 7. Predict labels by predict() and compute the accuracy. >>> val labelAndPreds = { point => val prediction = model.predict(point) (point.y, prediction) } >>> val accuracy = labelAndPreds.filter(r => r._1 == r._2).count.toDouble / data.count >>> println("Training Accuracy = " + accuracy) `train' Usage ====================== Usage: model = train(trainingData, 'options') options: -s type : set type of solver (default 0) 0 -- L2-regularized logistic regression (primal) 2 -- L2-regularized L2-loss support vector classification (primal) -c cost : set the parameter C (default 1) -e epsilon : set tolerance of termination criterion -s 0 and 2 |f'(w)|_2 <= eps*min(pos,neg)/l*|f'(w0)|_2, where f is the primal function and pos/neg are # of positive/negative data (default 0.01) -B bias : if bias >= 0, instance x becomes [x; bias]; if < 0, no bias term added (default -1) Additional Information ====================== For any questions and comments, please send your email to: [email protected]