You can create a file testkit.conf
here (or override the location of that file with the system
property slick.testkit-config
. The standard format for the configuration is HOCON but all formats
supported by Typesafe Config can be used.
The default configuration is always loaded from /testkit-reference.conf on the classpath. You do not have to copy any of these settings into your own config file.
All embedded databases are enabled by default. The following external database systems require extra configuration:
PostgreSQL quick setup (tested with 9.2.4-1):
- Install PostgreSQL server with default options
- Set "postgres.user" (default: "postgres") and postgres.password (default: null) if necessary
- Set postgres.enabled = true
MySQL quick setup (tested with
- Install MySQL community server with default options
- Set "mysql.user" (default: "root") and mysql.password (default: null) if necessary
- Set enabled = true
Access quick setup:
- Install Office 2010
- Make sure your account has permissions to the ODBC registry keys
- Set access.enabled = true
postgres {
enabled = true
user = me
mysql {
enabled = true
password = secret
access {
enabled = true