This is a mobile application for managing your to-do list. The app allows users to add, view, and manage their tasks efficiently.
Check out the demo video to see the application in action.
- Add new tasks
- View a list of tasks
- Mark tasks as completed
- Node.js (v18 or higher)
- npm or yarn
- Expo CLI
Clone the repository:
git clone cd coding_test/todo_mobile
Install the dependencies:
npm install # or yarn install
Before running the app, make sure that the backend server is running. This app requires the todo_backend
server to be running in order to function properly.
After successfully running the backend server, update the API_BASE_URL
in Config.ts to your server Host.
NOTE: If you're running the backend locally, use ifConfig
and use en0 ipAddress as host. For example,
Start the Simulator or connect an iOS device.
Run the app:
npm run ios # or yarn ios
Start the Android emulator or connect an Android device.
Run the app:
npm run android # or yarn android
To run the tests, use the following command:
npm test
# or
yarn test
## Tools and Languages Used
This project utilizes the following tools and languages:
- React Native: A JavaScript framework for building mobile applications.
- Node.js: A JavaScript runtime environment.
- npm: A package manager for JavaScript.
- Expo CLI: A command-line interface for developing and building Expo projects.
## Packages Used
The following packages are used in this project:
- react-navigation: A routing and navigation library for React Native.
- axios: A promise-based HTTP client for making API requests.
- react-native-elements: A UI toolkit for building React Native applications.
- react-native-vector-icons: A library for adding customizable icons to React Native applications.