BlackTie is an XATMI implmentation. XATMI is a set of APIs for writing distributed client/server applications. BlackTie bridges the gap between JEE and XATMI and provides the tools to allow existing XATMI application programs written in C/C++ to integrate seamlessly into the wildfly/JBoss stack allowing these applications to migrate easily to the services provided by the wildfly application server. As well as providing C++ APIs to support the X/Open XATMI specification, Blacktie also provides the JAtmiBroker API to support clients and services written in Java. Here you find a variety of quickstarts to get you started using BlackTie
Quickstarts relating to the XATMI standard such as security, interacting with databases, making remote service calls, using queues and topics. This is the best place to start to get a basic understanding of BlackTie and XATMI.
Shows how to use the admin server to perform various administrative operatons on BlackTie domains and servers such as:
listing servers in a domain
Halt servers, update configuration, restart
pause and resume a domain
listing services
advertising/unadvertising services
stopping/starting servers
Shows how a C client can invoke an XATMI service and an EJB within the scope of the same transaction
An example of how to use Java based XATMI services
Demonstrates messaging support in BlackTie
Shows how to use Nested Buffers for using complex datatypes in services
cd into the relevant quickstart directory and browse the readme file.