A plugin for Mac WeChat
An easy way to use pull-to-refresh.
A simple and beautiful chart lib used in Piner and CoinsMan for iOS
Simple, modern, thread-safe key-value observing for iOS and OS X.
iOS 7/8 style side menu with parallax effect.
YTKNetwork is a high level request util based on AFNetworking.
XLForm is the most flexible and powerful iOS library to create dynamic table-view forms. Fully compatible with Swift & Obj-C.
UIWebView progress interface
🔍 An elegant search controller which replaces the UISearchController for iOS (iPhone & iPad) .
Generate Objective-C headers from Mach-O files.
🚀 WeChat login, share, favorite and payment for React-Native on iOS and Android platforms (QQ: 336021910)
DropdownMenu is an iOS navigation controller using a Container View, storyboards and segues.
iOS版功能最全的微信插件,支持最新版微信,具备自动抢红包,屏蔽消息和群消息,过滤特定的群聊,防止撤回消息,伪定位 (朋友圈和附近的人),修改微信运动步数和实时取景做聊天页的背景等功能。
Adblock Fast is a faster ad blocker for Windows, Android, iOS, Chrome, and Opera.
XHRefreshControl 是一款高扩展性、低耦合度的下拉刷新、上提加载更多的组件。
Download, cache, render small images with UIImageView category
电子书阅读器,支持txt,e-pub(图文混排),纯swift编写,支持OC混编。 An e-book reader that supports TXT and e-pub formats. This project is written in swift and supports hybrid compilation with objective OC
React Native Navigation that supports seamless navigation between Native and React.
a modular architecture to separate code, compilation, running, testing of each module
iOS 7 style passcode view. Supports create, change and authenticate password.
A native BitTorrent client for iOS
React Native 阿里百川 淘宝授权登录 阿里巴巴 淘宝客 淘客 alibaba baichuan react-native taobao login auth taoke
A drop-in replacement for iOS Settings Bundle "Settings.bundle".
Ios best practices, Ios development specification, ios 开发规范,ios 最佳实践,ios编码规范
Android-like gesture-based lock screen view on ios.