This is the WordPress block theme in use on my personal website (](
This theme was started from itsamoreh/block-theme-starter.
- Make sure you're on node version
or later. - Run
npm install
from this directory to install dependencies. - Run
npm run watch
to watch CSS, and JavaScript. - Optionally follow the local environment instructions below to spin up a wp-env environment.
This theme uses PostCSS to process CSS. The main CSS entrypoint is
. All CSS with be compiled to style.css
which is enqueued in
for both the editor and the frontend.
To build the CSS, run the following command in your terminal:
npm run build:css
This will take the assets/main.css
file, run it and all imports through
PostCSS, and output the result to style.css. To watch for changes to your CSS
and automatically rebuild, run the following command in your terminal:
npm run watch:css
This theme uses wp-scripts to build editor and frontend JS. The main editor
entry is at assets/js/editor/index.js
and the main frontend entry is at
To build the JS, run the following command in your terminal:
npm run build:js
This will take the entry files, build them and all imports with wp-scripts, and
output the files to build/editor.js
and build/frontend.js
. To watch for
changes to your JS and automatically rebuild, run the following command in your
npm run watch:js
This theme includes a .wp-env.json
. To spin up a WordPress environment with
first make sure
Docker is installed.
Then run the following command to start the environment:
npm run env:start
You can stop the environment with Docker Desktop or the stop command:
npm run env:stop
See the wp-env documentation for more details.