cd playground/virtualbox/
and follow this guide
- Vagrant
- VirtualBox
- 2CPU cores
- 5GB of local RAM
Please first install this plugins:
vagrant plugin install vagrant-hostmanager
vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest
First time it take around 30 min for setup and make essential configurations
Next time vagrant need just a few seconds...
# ignition! this command setup or turn on all the machines
vagrant up
# if you make some change on the extras files, to apply it use the flag --provission
vagrant up --provision
######### the prompt ask you for chose the bridge interface, common cases use **eth0** or the firs available real interface.
######### put the number of your interface and hit enter.
1) eth0
2) docker0
bastion: Which interface should the network bridge to? 1
to avoid re-provision over and over again when you want start from a clean instance use
snapshot save
the first time you deploy the lab andsnaphost restore
every single time you want a fresh and quick instance.
vagrant destroy -f - Shuts down and destroys the environment
vagrant halt - Shuts down the environment VMs (can be booted up with vagrant up)
vagrant suspend - Puts the VMs in a suspended state
vagrant resume - Takes VMs out of a suspended state
# first time you have the lab up and running save it with a snapshot
vagrant snapshot save base-00
# to list all the saved snapshot
vagrant snapshot list
# to restore a snapshot
vagrant snapshot restore base-00
./synced ←←← →→→ /home/student/synced
Vagrant 2.2.14
6.1.16 bastion workstation servera serverb ······· use this ip for LAN access
VBoxManage list runningvms
"bastion" {ecb55eeb-7de3-4ecc-a812-71b29fb1c89f}
"workstation" {9683fabe-2332-4439-9534-76ec40e66a81}
"servera" {13ff8c3f-334d-48e8-aba9-c923149b7eb7}
"serverb" {8598bea6-10be-4470-9d9e-140acca0cac8}
user: root
pass: redhat
user: student
pass: student