This directory contains the JSON schemas for the Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs) installed in our Kubernetes clusters, and referenced by the Helm charts in this repository.
We use kubeconform to validate our Kubernetes manifests against schemas for those resources. This helps us ensure that our Helm charts are correct.
runs in a GitHub Action as a pre-merge check and can also be run
You can run the validation tests locally by installing kubeconform
and running
mkdir helm-dist
for c in $(ls charts)
helm template "${c}" "charts/${c}" --output-dir helm-dist
kubeconform -schema-location default \
-schema-location "./schemas/{{ .ResourceKind }}_{{ .ResourceAPIVersion }}.json" \
-summary helm-dist
Refer to the kubeconform
documentation on converting an openapi file to a json schema.
When you use a CRD in a Helm chart you must add a corresponding schema for the CRD to this schemas directory, in order for kubeconform to validate that your manifest conforms to the schemas (i.e. you have written a valid Kubernetes manifest).
Example process for generating a schema for the TrainingJob
mv trainingjob-sagemaker-v1.json govuk-helm-charts/schemas