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File metadata and controls

184 lines (139 loc) · 8.74 KB

For plug-in makers

A plug-in is a folder with a plugin.js file in it.

Plug-ins can be hot-swapped, and at some extent can be edited without restarting the server.

Each plug-in has access to the same set of features. Normally you'll have a plug-in that's a theme, and another that's a firewall, but nothing is preventing a single plug-in from doing both tasks.

plugin.js is a javascript module that exports an init function like this:

exports.init = api => ({
    frontend_css: 'mystyle.css'

The init function is called when the module is loaded and should return an object with things to customize. In the example above we are asking a css file to be loaded in the frontend. The parameter api object contains some useful things we'll see later. You can decide to return things in the init function, or directly in the exports. If you need to access the api you must use init, otherwise you can go directly with exports.

Let's first look at the things you can return:

Things a plugin can return or export

All the following properties are essentially optional.

  • description: string try to explain what this plugin is for. This must go in exports and use "double quotes".

  • version: number use progressive numbers to distinguish each release. This must go in exports.

  • apiRequired: number | [min:number,max:number] declare version(s) for which the plugin is designed for. You'll find api version in src/const.ts. This must go in exports.

  • frontend_css: string | string[] path to one or more css files that you want the frontend to load. These are to be placed in the public folder (refer below).

  • frontend_js: string | string[] path to one or more js files that you want the frontend to load. These are to be placed in the public folder (refer below).

  • middleware: (Context) => void | true | function a function that will be used as a middleware: use this to interfere with http activity.

    exports.middleware = ctx => {
      ctx.body = "You are in the wrong place"
      ctx.status = 404

    You'll find more examples by studying plugins like vhosting or antibrute. This API is based on Koa, because that's what HFS is using. To know what the Context object contains please refer to Koa's documentation. You don't get the next parameter as in standard Koa's middlewares because this is different, but we are now explaining how to achieve the same results. To interrupt other middlewares on this http request, return true. If you want to execute something in the "upstream" of middlewares, return a function.

  • unload: function called when unloading a plugin. This is a good place for example to clearInterval().

  • onDirEntry: ({ entry: DirEntry, listPath: string }) => void | false by providing this callback you can manipulate the record that is sent to the frontend (entry), or you can return false to exclude this entry from the results.

  • config: { [key]: FieldDescriptor } declare a set of admin-configurable values owned by the plugin that will be displayed inside Admin panel for change. Each property is identified by its key, and the descriptor is another object with options about the field. A simple empty object {} is a text field.

    Eg: you want a message text. You add this to your plugin.js:

    exports.config = { message: {} }

    Once the admin has chosen a value for it, the value will be saved in the main config file, under the plugins_config property.

        message: Hi there!

    When necessary your plugin will read its value using api.getConfig('message').

  • configDialog: FormDialog object to override dialog options. Please refer to sources for details.


Currently, these properties are supported:

  • type: 'string' | 'number' | 'boolean' | 'select' | 'multiselect' | 'real_path' . Default is string.
  • label: string what name to display next to the field. Default is based on key.
  • defaultValue: any value to be used when nothing is set.
  • helperText: string extra text printed next to the field.

Based on type, other properties are supported:

  • string
    • multiline: boolean. Default is false.
  • number
    • min: number
    • max: number
  • select
    • options: { [label]: AnyJsonValue }
  • multiselect it's like select but its result is an array of values.
  • real_path path to server disk
    • files: boolean allow to select a file. Default is true.
    • folders: boolean allow to select a folder. Default is false.
    • defaultPath: string what path to start from if no value is set. E.g. __dirname if you want to start with your plugin's folder.
    • fileMask: string restrict files that are displayed. E.g. *.jpg|*.png

api object

The api object you get as parameter of the init contains the following:

  • require: function use this instead of standard require function to access modules already loaded by HFS.

  • getConfig(key: string): any get config's value set up by using exports.config.

  • setConfig(key: string, value: any) set config's value set up by using exports.config.

  • subscribeConfig(key: string, callback: (value: any) => void): Unsubscriber will call callback with initial value and then at each change.

  • getHfsConfig(key: string): any similar to getConfig, but retrieves HFS' config instead.

  • log(...args) print log in a standard form for plugins.

  • const: object all constants of the const.ts file are exposed here. E.g. BUILD_TIMESTAMP, API_VERSION, etc.

  • getConnections: Connections[] retrieve current list of active connections.

  • events: EventEmitter this is the main events emitter used by HFS.

  • srcDir: string this can be useful if you need to import some extra function not available in api.

    exports.init = api => {
        const { watchLoad } = api.require(api.srcDir + '/watchLoad')

    You should try to keep this kind of behavior at its minimum, as name of sources and of elements in them are subject to change. If you need something for your plugin that's not covered by api, you can test it with this method, but you should then discuss it on the forum because an addition to api is your best option for making a future-proof plugin.

Each plug-in can have a public folder, and its files will be accessible at /~/plugins/PLUGIN_NAME/FILENAME.

Front-end specific

The following information applies to the default front-end, and may not apply to a custom one.


Once your script is loaded into the frontend (via frontend_js), you will have access to the HFS object in the global scope. There you'll find HFS.onEvent function that is the base of communication.

onEvent(eventName:string, callback: (object) => any) your callback will be called on the specified event. Depending on the event you'll have an object with parameters in it, and may return some output. Refer to the specific event for further information.

This is a list of available frontend events, with respective parameters and output.

  • additionalEntryProps
    • you receive each entry of the list, and optionally produce HTML code that will be added in the entry-props container.

    • parameters { entry: Entry }

      The Entry type is an object with the following properties:

      • n: string name of the entry, including relative path in some cases.
      • s?: number size of the entry, in bytes. It may be missing, for example for folders.
      • t?: Date generic timestamp, combination of creation-time and modified-time.
      • c?: Date creation-time.
      • m?: Date modified-time.
    • output string | void

Publish your plug-in

Suggested method for publishing is to have a dedicated repository on GitHub, with topic hfs-plugin. To set the topic go on the repo home and click on the gear icon near the "About" box. Be sure to also fill the "description" field, especially with words that people may search for.

The files intended to be installed must go in a folder named dist. You can keep other files outside.

You can refer to this dummy plugin for reference .

Published plugins are required to specify the apiRequired property.

It is possible to publish different versions of the plugin to be compatible with different versions of HFS. To do that, just have your other versions in branches with name starting with api. HFS will scan through them in alphabetical order searching for a compatible one.

API version history

  • 4 (v0.23.0)
    • config.type:real_path
    • api.subscribeConfig
    • api.setConfig
    • api.getHfsConfig
  • 3 (v0.21.0)
    • config.defaultValue
    • async for init/unload
    • api.log
  • 2
    • config.type:array