Accelerate SuperPoint and SuperGlue with TensorRT.
- image pairs are from the freiburg_sequence.
Image Size: 320 x 240 | RTX3090 | RTX3080 | Quadro P620 | Jetson Nano | Jetson TX2 NX |
SuperPoint (247 points) | |||||
SuperPoint (237 points) | |||||
SuperGlue (256 dims) |
- Compare the performance and speed with the offical SuperGlue.
docker pull yuefan2022/tensorrt-ubuntu20.04-cuda11.6:latest
docker run -it --env DISPLAY=$DISPLAY --volume /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix --privileged --runtime nvidia --gpus all --volume ${PWD}:/workspace --workdir /workspace --name tensorrt yuefan2022/tensorrt-ubuntu20.04-cuda11.6:latest /bin/bash
- TensorRT
- OpenCV
- yaml-cpp
python convert2onnx/ --weight_file superpoint_pth_file_path --output_dir superpoint_onnx_file_dir
python convert2onnx/ --weight_file superglue_pth_file_path --output_dir superglue_onnx_file_dir
git clone
cd SuperPointSuperGlueAcceleration
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
./superpointglueacceleration ../config/config.yaml ../weights/ ${PWD}/../image/image0.png ${PWD}/../image/image1.png
If you modified the image size in the config file, you must delete the old .engine file in the weights dir.