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A slightly more updated version of this article is available on the Clojure web site, here:

This document discusses the concept of equality in Clojure, including the functions =, ==, and identical?, and how they differ from Java's equals method. It also has some description of Clojure's hash, and how it differs from Java's hashCode. The beginning of this guide provides a summary of the most important information for quick reference followed by a much more extensive review of the details.

Information in this guide describes the behavior of Clojure 1.10.0 unless noted otherwise.


Clojure's = is true when comparing immutable values that represent the same value, or when comparing mutable objects that are the identical object. As a convenience, = also returns true when used to compare Java collections against each other, or against Clojure's immutable collections, if their contents are equal. However, there are important caveats if you use non-Clojure collections.

Clojure's = is true when called with two immutable scalar values, if:

  • Both arguments are nil, true, false, the same character, or the same string (i.e. the same sequence of characters).
  • Both arguments are symbols, or both keywords, with equal namespaces and names.
  • Both arguments are numbers in the same 'category', and numerically the same, where category is one of:
    • integer or ratio
    • floating point (float or double)
    • BigDecimal.

Clojure's = is true when called with two collections, if:

  • Both arguments are sequential (sequences, lists, vectors, queues, or Java collections implementing java.util.List) with = elements in the same order.
  • Both arguments are sets (including Java sets implementing java.util.Set), with = elements, ignoring order.
  • Both arguments are maps (including Java maps implementing java.util.Map), with = keys and values, ignoring entry order.
  • Both arguments are records created with defrecord, with = keys and values, ignoring order, and they have the same type. = returns false when comparing a record to a map, regardless of their keys and values, because they do not have the same type.

Clojure's = is true when called with two mutable Clojure objects, i.e. vars, refs, atoms, or agents, or with two "pending" Clojure objects, i.e. futures, promises, or delays, if:

  • Both arguments are the identical object, i.e. (identical? x y) is true.

For all other types:

  • Both arguments are the same type defined with deftype. The type's equiv method is called and its return value becomes the value of (= x y).
  • For other types, Java's x.equals(y) is true.

Clojure's == is intended specifically for numerical values:

  • == can be used with numbers across different number categories (such as integer 0 and floating point 0.0).
  • If any value being compared is not a number, an exception is thrown.

If you call = or == with more than two arguments, the result will be true when all consecutive pairs are = or ==. hash is consistent with =, with the exceptions given below.

Exceptions, or possible surprises:

  • When using non-Clojure collections in a Clojure hash-based collection (as map keys, or set elements), it will not appear equal to a similar collection with Clojure counterparts, due to the difference in hashing behavior. (see later section Equality and hash and CLJ-1372)
  • When comparing collections with =, numbers within the collections are also compared with =, so the three numeric categories above are significant.
  • 'Not a Number' values ##NaN, Float/NaN, and Double/NaN are not = or == to anything, not even themselves. Recommendation: Avoid including ##NaN inside of Clojure data structures where you want to compare them to each other using =, and sometimes get true as the result.
  • 0.0 is = to -0.0
  • Clojure regex's, e.g. #"a.*bc", are implemented using Java java.util.regex.Pattern objects, and Java's equals on two Pattern objects returns (identical? re1 re2), even though they are documented as immutable objects. Thus (= #"abc" #"abc") returns false, and = only returns true if two regex's happen to be the same identical object in memory. Recommendation: Avoid using regex instances inside of Clojure data structures where you want to compare them to each other using =, and get true as the result even if the regex instances are not identical objects. If you feel the need to, consider converting them to strings first, e.g. (str #"abc") -> "abc" (see CLJ-1182)
  • Clojure persistent queues are never = to Java collections implementing java.util.List, not even if they have = elements in the same order (see CLJ-1059)
  • Using = to compare a sorted map with another map, where compare throws an exception when comparing their keys to each other because they have different types (e.g. keywords vs. numbers), will in some cases throw an exception (see CLJ-2325)

In most cases, hash is consistent with =, meaning: if (= x y), then (= (hash x) (hash y)). For any values or objects where this does not hold, Clojure hash-based collections will not be able to find or remove those items correctly, i.e. for hash-based sets with those items as elements, or hash-based maps with those items as keys.

  • hash is consistent with = for numbers, except for special float and double values. Recommendation: Convert floats to doubles with (double x) to avoid this issue.
  • hash is not consistent with = for immutable Clojure collections and their non-Clojure counterparts. See the "Equality and hash" section below for more details. Recommendation: Convert non-Clojure collections to their Clojure immutable counterparts before including them in other Clojure data structures.
  • hash is not consistent with = for objects with class VecSeq, returned from calls like (seq (vector-of :int 0 1 2)) (see CLJ-1364)


Equality in Clojure is most often tested using =.

user> (= 2 (+ 1 1))
user> (= (str "fo" "od") "food")

Unlike Java's equals method, Clojure's = returns true for many values that do not have the same type as each other.

user> (= (float 314.0) (double 314.0))
user> (= 3 3N)

= does not always return true when two numbers have the same numeric value.

user> (= 2 2.0)

If you want to test for numeric equality across different numeric categories, use ==. See the section "Numbers" below for details.

Sequential collections (sequences, vectors, lists, and queues) with equal elements in the same order are equal:

user> (range 3)
(0 1 2)
user> (= [0 1 2] (range 3))
user> (= [0 1 2] '(0 1 2))
;; not = because different order
user> (= [0 1 2] [0 2 1])
;; not = because different number of elements
user> (= [0 1] [0 1 2])
;; not = because 2 and 2.0 are not =
user> (= '(0 1 2) '(0 1 2.0))

Two sets are equal if they have equal elements. Sets are normally unordered but even with sorted sets, the sort order is not considered when comparing for equality.

user> (def s1 #{1999 2001 3001})
user> s1
#{2001 1999 3001}
user> (def s2 (sorted-set 1999 2001 3001))
user> s2
#{1999 2001 3001}
user> (= s1 s2)

Two maps are equal if they have the same set of keys, and each key maps to equal values in each map. As with sets, maps are unordered and the sort order is not considered for sorted maps.

user> (def m1 (sorted-map-by > 3 -7 5 10 15 20))
user> (def m2 {3 -7, 5 10, 15 20})
user> m1
{15 20, 5 10, 3 -7}
user> m2
{3 -7, 5 10, 15 20}
user> (= m1 m2)

Note that while vectors are indexed and possess some map-like qualities, maps and vectors never compare as = in Clojure:

user> (def v1 ["a" "b" "c"])
user> (def m1 {0 "a" 1 "b" 2 "c"})
user> (v1 0)
user> (m1 0)
user> (= v1 m1)

Any metadata associated with Clojure collections is ignored when comparing them.

user> (def s1 (with-meta #{1 2 3} {:key1 "set 1"}))
user> (def s2 (with-meta #{1 2 3} {:key1 "set 2 here"}))
user> (binding [*print-meta* true] (pr-str s1))
"^{:key1 \"set 1\"} #{1 2 3}"
user> (binding [*print-meta* true] (pr-str s2))
"^{:key1 \"set 2 here\"} #{1 2 3}"
user> (= s1 s2)
user> (= (meta s1) (meta s2))

Records created with defrecord in many ways behave similarly to Clojure maps. However, they are only = to other records of the same type, and only then if they have the same keys and the same values. They are never equal to maps, even if they have the same keys and values.

When you define a Clojure record, you are doing so in order to create a distinct type that can be distinguished from other types -- you want each type to have its own behavior with Clojure protocols and multimethods.

user=> (defrecord MyRec1 [a b])
user=> (def r1 (->MyRec1 1 2))
user=> r1
#user.MyRec1{:a 1, :b 2}

user=> (defrecord MyRec2 [a b])
user=> (def r2 (->MyRec2 1 2))
user=> r2
#user.MyRec2{:a 1, :b 2}

user=> (def m1 {:a 1 :b 2})

user=> (= r1 r2)
false             ; r1 and r2 have different types
user=> (= r1 m1)
false             ; r1 and m1 have different types
user=> (into {} r1)
{:a 1, :b 2}      ; this is one way to "convert" a record to a map
user=> (= (into {} r1) m1)
true              ; the resulting map is = to m1

Clojure = behaves the same as Java's equals for all types except numbers and Clojure collections.

Booleans and characters are straightforward in their equality.

Strings are straightforward, too, except in some cases involving Unicode where strings that consist of different sequences of Unicode characters can look the same when displayed, and in some applications should be treated as equal even though = returns false. See "Normalization" on the Wikipedia page on Unicode equivalence if you are interested. There are libraries like ICU4J (International Components for Unicode for Java) that can help if you need to do this.

Two symbols are equal if they have the same namespace and symbol name. Two keywords are equal given the same conditions. Clojure makes equality testing for keywords particularly quick (a simple pointer comparison). It achieves this by its intern method of the Keyword class guaranteeing that all keywords with the same namespace and name will return the same keyword object.


Java equals is only true for two numbers if the types and numeric values are the same. Thus equals is false even for Integer 1 and Long 1, because they have different types. Exception: Java equals is also false for two BigDecimal values that are numerically equal if they have different scales, e.g. 1.50M and 1.500M are not equal. This behavior is documented for BigDecimal method equals.

Clojure = is true if the 'category' and numeric values are the same. Category is one of:

  • integer or ratios, where integer includes all Java integer types such as Byte, Short, Integer, Long, BigInteger, and clojure.lang.BigInt, and ratios are represented with the Java type named clojure.lang.Ratio.
  • floating point: Float and Double
  • decimal: BigDecimal

So (= (int 1) (long 1)) is true because they are in the same integer category, but (= 1 1.0) is false because they are in different categories (integer vs. floating). While integers and ratios are separate types in the Clojure implementation, for the purposes of = they are effectively in the same category. The results of arithmetic operations on ratios are auto-converted to integers if they are whole numbers. Thus any Clojure number that has type Ratio cannot equal any integer, so = always gives the correct numerical answer (false) when comparing a ratio to an integer.

Clojure also has == that is only useful for comparing numbers. It returns true whenever = does. It also returns true for numbers that are numerically equal, even if they are in different categories. Thus (= 1 1.0) is false, but (== 1 1.0) is true.

Why does = have different categories for numbers, you might wonder? It would be difficult (if it is even possible) to make hash consistent with = if it behaved like == (see section "Equality and hash" below). Imagine trying to write hash such that it was guaranteed to return the same hash value for all of (float 1.5), (double 1.5), BigDecimal values 1.50M, 1.500M, etc. and the ratio (/ 3 2).

Clojure uses = to compare values for equality when they are used as elements in sets, or keys in maps. Thus Clojure's numeric categories come into play if you use sets with numeric elements or maps with numeric keys.

Floating point numbers are usually approximations

Note that floating point values might behave in ways that surprise you, if you have not learned of their approximate nature before. They are often approximations simply because they are represented with a fixed number of bits, and thus many values cannot be represented exactly and must be approximated (or be out of range). This is true for floating point numbers in any programming language.

user> (def d1 (apply + (repeat 100 0.1)))
user> d1
user> (== d1 10.0)

There is a whole field called Numerical Analysis dedicated to studying algorithms that use numerical approximation. There are libraries of Fortran code that are used because their order of floating point operations is carefully crafted to give guarantees on the difference between their approximate answers and the exact answers. "What Every Computer Scientist Should Know About Floating-Point Arithmetic" is good reading if you want quite a few details.

If you want exact answers for at least some kinds of problems, ratios or BigDecimals might suit your needs. Realize that these require variable amounts of memory if the number of digits required grow (e.g. after many arithmetic operations), and significantly more computation time. They also won't help if you want exact values of pi or the square root of 2.

Floating point "Not A Number"

Clojure uses the underlying Java double-size floating point numbers (64-bit) with representation and behavior defined by a standard, IEEE 754. There is a special value NaN ("Not A Number") that is not even equal to itself. Clojure represents this value as the symbolic value ##NaN.

user> (Math/sqrt -1)
user> (= ##NaN ##NaN)
user> (== ##NaN ##NaN)

This leads to some odd behavior if this "value" appears in your data. While no error occurs when adding ##NaN as a set element or a key in a map, you cannot then search for it and find it. You also cannot remove it using functions like disj or dissoc. It will appear normally in sequences created from collections containing it.

user> (def s1 #{1.0 2.0 ##NaN})
user> s1
#{2.0 1.0 ##NaN}
user> (s1 1.0)
user> (s1 1.5)
user> (s1 ##NaN)
nil             ; cannot find ##NaN in a set, because it is not = to itself

user> (disj s1 2.0)
#{1.0 ##NaN}
user> (disj s1 ##NaN)
#{2.0 1.0 ##NaN}    ; ##NaN is still in the result!

In many cases, collections that contain ##NaN will not be = to another collection, even if they look like they should be, because (= ##NaN ##NaN) is false:

user> (= [1 ##NaN] [1 ##NaN])

Oddly enough, there are exceptions where collections contain ##NaN that look like they should be =, and they are, because (identical? ##NaN ##NaN) is true:

user> (def s2 #{##NaN 2.0 1.0})
user> s2
#{2.0 1.0 ##NaN}
user> (= s1 s2)

Java has a special case in its equals method for floating point values that makes ##NaN equal to itself. Clojure = and == do not.

user> (.equals ##NaN ##NaN)

Equality and hash

Java has equals to compare pairs of objects for equality.

Java has a method hashCode that is consistent with this notion of equality (or is documented that it should be, at least). This means that for any two objects x and y where equals is true, x.hashCode() and y.hashCode() are equal, too.

This hash consistency property makes it possible to use hashCode to implement hash-based data structures like maps and sets that use hashing techniques internally. For example, a hash table could be used to implement a set, and it will be guaranteed that objects with different hashCode values can be put into different hash buckets, and objects in different hash buckets will never be equal to each other.

Clojure has = and hash for similar reasons. Since Clojure = considers more pairs of things equal to each other than Java equals, Clojure hash must return the same hash value for more pairs of objects. For example, hash always returns the same value regardless of whether a sequence of = elements is in a sequence, vector, list, or queue:

user> (hash ["a" 5 :c])
user> (hash (seq ["a" 5 :c]))
user> (hash '("a" 5 :c))
user> (hash (conj clojure.lang.PersistentQueue/EMPTY "a" 5 :c))

However, since hash is not consistent with = when comparing Clojure immutable collections with their non-Clojure counterparts, mixing the two can lead to undesirable behavior, as shown in the examples below.

user=> (def java-list (java.util.ArrayList. [1 2 3]))
user=> (def clj-vec [1 2 3])

;; They are =, even though they are different classes
user=> (= java-list clj-vec)
user=> (class java-list)
user=> (class clj-vec)

;; Their hash values are different, though.

user=> (hash java-list)
user=> (hash clj-vec)

;; If java-list and clj-vec are put into collections that do not use
;; their hash values, like a vector or array-map, then those
;; collections will be equal, too.

user=> (= [java-list] [clj-vec])
user=> (class {java-list 5})
user=> (= {java-list 5} {clj-vec 5})
user=> (assoc {} java-list 5 clj-vec 3)
{[1 2 3] 3}

;; However, if java-list and clj-vec are put into collections that do
;; use their hash values, like a hash-set, or a key in a hash-map,
;; then those collections will not be equal because of the different
;; hash values.

user=> (class (hash-map java-list 5))
user=> (= (hash-map java-list 5) (hash-map clj-vec 5))
false               ; sorry, not true
user=> (= (hash-set java-list) (hash-set clj-vec))
false               ; also not true

user=> (get (hash-map java-list 5) java-list)
user=> (get (hash-map java-list 5) clj-vec)
nil                 ; you were probably hoping for 5

user=> (conj #{} java-list clj-vec)
#{[1 2 3] [1 2 3]}          ; you may have been expecting #{[1 2 3]}
user=> (hash-map java-list 5 clj-vec 3)
{[1 2 3] 5, [1 2 3] 3}      ; I bet you wanted {[1 2 3] 3} instead

Most of the time you use maps in Clojure, you do not specify whether you want an array map or a hash map. By default array maps are used if there are at most 8 keys, and hash maps are used if there are over 8 keys. Clojure functions choose the implementation for you as you do operations on the maps. Thus even if you tried to use array maps consistently, you are likely to frequently get hash maps as you create larger maps.

We do not recommend trying to avoid the use of hash-based sets and maps in Clojure. They use hashing to help achieve high performance in their operations. Instead we would recommend avoiding the use of non-Clojure collections as parts within Clojure collections. Primarily this advice is because most such non-Clojure collections are mutable, and mutability often leads to subtle bugs. Another reason is the inconsistency of hash with =.

Similar behavior occurs for Java collections that implement java.util.List, java.util.Set, and java.util.Map, and any of the few kinds of values for which Clojure's hash is not consistent with =.

If you use hash-inconsistent values as parts within any Clojure collection, even as elements in a sequential collection like a list or vector, those collections become hash-inconsistent with each other, too. This occurs because the hash value of collections is calculated by combining the hash values of their parts.

Historical notes on hash inconsistency for non-Clojure collections

You are likely wondering why hash is not consistent with = for non-Clojure collections. Non-Clojure collections have used Java's hashCode method long before Clojure existed. When Clojure was initially developed, it used the same formula for calculating a hash function from collection elements as hashCode did.

Before the release of Clojure 1.6.0 it was discovered that this use of hashCode for Clojure's hash function can lead to many hash collisions when small collections are used as set elements or map keys.

For example, imagine a Clojure program that represents the contents of a 2-dimensional grid with 100 rows and 100 columns using a map with keys that are vectors of two numbers in the range [0, 99]. There are 10,000 such points in this grid, so 10,000 keys in the map, but hashCode only gives 3,169 different results.

user=> (def grid-keys (for [x (range 100), y (range 100)]
                        [x y]))
user=> (count grid-keys)
user=> (take 5 grid-keys)
([0 0] [0 1] [0 2] [0 3] [0 4])
user=> (take-last 5 grid-keys)
([99 95] [99 96] [99 97] [99 98] [99 99])
user=> (count (group-by #(.hashCode %) grid-keys))

Thus there are an average of 10,000 / 3,169 = 3.16 collisions per hash bucket if the map uses the default Clojure implementation of a hash-map.

The Clojure developers analyzed several alternate hash functions, and chose one based on the Murmur3 hash function, which has been in use since Clojure 1.6.0. It also uses a different way than Java's hashCode does to combine the hashes of multiple elements in a collection.

At that time, Clojure could have changed hash to use the new technique for non-Clojure collections as well, but it was judged that doing so would significantly slow down a Java method called hasheq, used to implement hash. See CLJ-1372 for approaches that have been considered so far, but as of this time no one has discovered a competitively fast way to do it.

Other cases of hash inconsistent with =

For some Float and Double values that are = to each other, their hash values are inconsistent:

user> (= (float 1.0e9) (double 1.0e9))
user> (map hash [(float 1.0e9) (double 1.0e9)])
(1315859240 1104006501)
user> (hash-map (float 1.0e9) :float-one (double 1.0e9) :oops)
{1.0E9 :oops, 1.0E9 :float-one}

You can avoid the Float vs Double hash inconsistency by consistently using one or the other types in floating point code. Clojure defaults to doubles for floating point values, so that may be the most convenient choice.

Rich Hickey has decided that changing this inconsistency in hash values for types Float and Double is out of scope for Clojure (mentioned in a comment of CLJ-1036). Ticket CLJ-1649 has been filed suggesting a change that = always return false when comparing floats to doubles, which would make hash consistent with = by eliminating the restriction on hash, but there is no decision on that yet.

See the code of the projects below for examples of how to do this, and much more. In particular, the Java methods equals and hashCode from standard Java objects, and the Clojure Java methods equiv and hasheq are the most relevant for how = and hash behave.


The paper "Equal Rights for Functional Objects, or, the More Things Change, The More They Are the Same" by Henry Baker includes code written in Common Lisp for a function EGAL that was an inspiration for Clojure's =. The idea of "deep equality" making sense for immutable values, but not as much sense for mutable objects (unless the mutable objects are the same object in memory), is independent of programming language.

Some differences between EGAL and Clojure's = are described below. These are fairly esoteric details about the behavior of EGAL, and are not necessary to know for an understanding of Clojure's =.

Comparing mutable collections to other things

EGAL is defined to be false when comparing mutable objects to anything else, unless that other thing is the same identical mutable object in memory.

As a convenience, Clojure's = is designed to return true in some cases when comparing Clojure immutable collections to non-Clojure collections.

There is no Java method to determine whether an arbitrary collection is mutable or immutable, so it is not possible in Clojure to implement the intended behavior of EGAL, although one might consider = "closer" to EGAL if it always returned false when one of the arguments was a non-Clojure collection.

Lazy and pending values

Baker recommends that EGAL force lazy values when comparing them (see Section 3. J. "Lazy Values" in the "Equal Rights for Functional Objects" paper). When comparing a lazy sequence to another sequential thing, Clojure's = does force the evaluation of the lazy sequence, stopping if it reaches a non-= sequence element. Chunked sequences, e.g. as produced by range, can cause evaluation to proceed a little bit further than that point, as is the case for any event in Clojure that causes evaluation of part of a lazy sequence.

Clojure's = does not deref delay, promise, or future objects when comparing them. Instead, it compares them via identical?, thus returning true only if they are the same identical object in memory, even if calling deref on them would result in values that were =.


Baker describes in detail how EGAL can return true in some cases when comparing closures to each other (see Section 3. D. "Equality of Functions and Function-Closures" in the "Equal Rights for Functional Objects" paper).

When given a function or closure as an argument, Clojure's = only returns true if they are identical? to each other.

Baker appeared to be motivated to define EGAL this way because of the prevalence in some Lisp family languages of using closures to represent objects, where those objects could contain mutable state, or immutable values (see the example below). Given that Clojure has multiple other ways of creating immutable values and mutable objects (e.g. records, reify, proxy, deftype), using closures to do so is uncommon.

(defn make-point [init-x init-y]
  (let [x init-x
        y init-y]
    (fn [msg]
      (cond (= msg :get-x) x
            (= msg :get-y) y
	    (= msg :get-both) [x y]
	    :else nil))))

user=> (def p1 (make-point 5 7))
user=> (def p2 (make-point -3 4))
user=> (p1 :get-x)
user=> (p2 :get-both)
[-3 4]
user=> (= p1 p2)
false             ; We expect this to be false,
                  ; because p1 and p2 have different x, y values
user=> (def p3 (make-point 5 7))
user=> (= p1 p3)
false             ; Baker's EGAL would return true here.  Clojure
                  ; = returns false because p1 and p3 are not identical?

Clojure implementation details

References to implementation code: For =, see the method equiv in Clojure source file For = and == among numbers and the three numeric categories, see the Clojure source file

Historical notes

  • (Clojure 1.5.1) hash is not consistent with = for some BigInteger values. Convert them to BigInt using (bigint x). (fixed in Clojure 1.6.0)
  • (Clojure 1.5.1) = and == are false for BigDecimal values with different scales, e.g. (== 1.50M 1.500M) is false. (fixed in Clojure 1.6.0)

(Clojure 1.5.1) hash is inconsistent with = for some BigInteger values that are = to numbers of other types. This is fixed in Clojure 1.6.0 with this commit.

user> (= (int -1) (long -1) (bigint -1) (biginteger -1))

;; Clojure 1.5.1

user> (map hash [(int -1) (long -1) (bigint -1) (biginteger -1)])
(0 0 0 -1)
user> (hash-map (long -1) :minus-one (biginteger -1) :oops)
{-1 :minus-one, -1 :oops}

;; Clojure 1.6.0

user=> (map hash [(int -1) (long -1) (bigint -1) (biginteger -1)])
(1651860712 1651860712 1651860712 1651860712)
user=> (hash-map (long -1) :minus-one (biginteger -1) :much-better)
{-1 :much-better}

You can avoid the BigInteger issue in Clojure 1.5.1 by not using values of that type. You are most likely to encounter them in Clojure through interop with Java libraries. In that case, converting them to BigInt via the bigint function at the Clojure/Java boundary would be safest.

Clojure 1.5.1 inherits Java's exception for BigDecimal with the same numeric value but different scales, i.e. (= 1.50M 1.500M) is false. This was corrected in Clojure 1.6.0 (see CLJ-1118).

Things to do

TBD: Other Clojure tickets to mention somewhere in this article, perhaps:

  • CLJ-750 clojure.lang.MapEntry violates .equals and .hashCode contracts of HashMap.Entry; leads to non-reflexive .equals, etc.
  • CLJ-1242 = on sorted collections with different key types incorrectly throws
  • CLJ-2089 Sorted colls with default comparator don't check that first element is Comparable

TBD: Mention Clojure identity?, same as Java object identity ==, and how it is typically only a good idea to use it in Java interop cases where you need Java ==. It is better to use Clojure = value equality in most cases.

  • TODO: +Infinity, -Infinity (what did Alex think was important to mention about those in this article?)

TBD: Is there any issue with using Clojure mutable objects (vars, refs, atoms, and agents) as set elements or map keys?

Do mutable objects (vars, refs, atoms, and agents) have consistent hash values even when their contents change? The answer should be "yes", because of the 4 Java classes in clojure.lang Agent, Atom, Ref, and Var, none of them have a hashCode method, and none of their superclasses do, until you get to java.lang.Object. Thus they should all inherit the implementation of Object's hashCode method.

The article below explains how the default hashCode method is implemented in OpenJDK and Azul Zing JVMs. It is basically a number generated when a JVM Object is created, where pseudo-randomly is one way, and the number is then recorded as part of the state of the Object instance and returned by the default hashCode() method implementation if it is used. Thus this value remains stable across the lifetime of the object instance, even if a copying garbage collector changes its current address in memory.

"How does the default hashCode() work?"

// Interfaces:
interface Callable  // in java.util.concurrent - no hashCode method
interface Comparable<T>  // in java.lang - no hashCode method
public interface IAtom  // no hashCode method
public interface IAtom2 extends IAtom  // no hashCode method
public interface IDeref  // no hashCode method
public interface IFn extends Callable, Runnable  // no hashCode method
public interface IMeta  // no hashCode method
public interface IObj extends IMeta  // no hashCode method
public interface IPending  // no hashCode method
public interface IRef extends IDeref  // no hashCode method
public interface IReference extends IMeta  // no hashCode method
interface Runnable  // in java.lang  - no hashCode method
public interface Settable  // no hashCode method
interface Serializable  // in - no hashCode method

public class AReference implements IReference
  // class AReference has no hashCode method
  public abstract class ARef extends AReference implements IRef
    // class ARef has no hashCode method
    public class Agent extends ARef
      // class Agent has no hashCode method
    final public class Atom extends ARef implements IAtom2
      // class Atom has no hashCode method
      // so: class Atom should inherit hashCode impl. from class Object
    public class Ref extends ARef implements IFn, Comparable<Ref>, IRef
      // class Ref has no hashCode method
    public final class Var extends ARef implements IFn, IRef, Settable, Serializable
      // class Var has no hashCode method

public class Delay implements IDeref, IPending
  // class Delay has no hashCode method

thalia.core=> (def p1 (promise))
thalia.core=> (class p1)
thalia.core=> (supers (class p1))
#{java.lang.Object clojure.lang.IFn java.util.concurrent.Callable java.lang.Runnable clojure.lang.IPending clojure.lang.IObj clojure.lang.IDeref clojure.lang.IBlockingDeref clojure.lang.IMeta}

#{java.lang.Object  // because all Java objects are instances of Object or one of its subclsses
clojure.lang.IFn  // because of reify args in clojure.core/promise
java.util.concurrent.Callable  // because IFn extends Callable
java.lang.Runnable  // because IFn extends Callable
clojure.lang.IPending  // because of reify args in clojure.core/promise
clojure.lang.IObj  // because reify documents that created objects always implement IObj
clojure.lang.IDeref  // because of reify args in clojure.core/promise
clojure.lang.IBlockingDeref  // because of reify args in clojure.core/promise
clojure.lang.IMeta  // because IObj extends IMeta

TBD: Behavior for types defined via deftype. TBD: Does it ever make sense to define equiv for such things?

Example showing Clojure = forcing evaluation of lazy sequences

user=> (defn print-it [x]
         (println x)

user=> (def lazy1 (map print-it (range 100)))

;; Because range returns a 'chunked' lazy sequence, doing a 'take 5'
;; on it causes the evaluation of 32 of its elements, not just the
;; first 5.

user=> (take 5 lazy1)
(0 1 2 3 4)

;; The already-evaluated portion is stored in memory, so doing 'take
;; n' for n up to 32 will get the already-evaluated sequence elements
;; from memory, without re-evaluating them.

user=> (take 32 lazy1)
(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31)

;; Let us make a version of the lazy sequence that is not chunked,
;; using a function called 'unchunk' that has several variations.
;; This one is copied from the math.combinatorics library:


user=> (defn unchunk [s]
           (when (seq s)
             (cons (first s) (unchunk (rest s))))))

user=> (def lazy2 (map print-it (unchunk (range 100))))

;; lazy2 only evaluates the sequence elements requested.

user=> (take 5 lazy2)
(0 1 2 3 4)

user=> (take 4 lazy2)
(0 1 2 3)

user=> (take 10 lazy2)
(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9)

user=> (def lazy3 (map print-it (unchunk (range 100))))

;; This comparison stops after evaluating element 2 of the lazy
;; sequence, since it is not equal to the corresponding element of the
;; vector.

user=> (= lazy3 [0 1 -3])

;; If you reverse the order of comparison, the equiv method of class
;; APersistentVector is called instead.  When comparing two vectors,
;; you can quickly tell they are not equal if they have different
;; number of elements, and so that is what the equiv method for that
;; class does.  Finding the count of number of elements in the lazy
;; sequence causes it to be fully evaluated.

;; See method doEquiv in class APersistentVector of the Clojure/Java
;; implementation:

user=> (= [0 1 -3] lazy3)
[... many lines deleted ...]

user=> (def lazy4 (map print-it (unchunk (range 100))))

;; The equiv methods for Clojure queues, lists, and lazy sequences do
;; not use this count check, so will not fully evaluate the lazy
;; sequence unless needed to determine whether the two sequences have
;; equal elements.

user=> (def lazy4 (map print-it (unchunk (range 100))))
user=> (= '(0 1 -3) lazy4)

user=> (= (conj clojure.lang.PersistentQueue/EMPTY 0 1 2 3 -4) lazy4)

user=> (= (range 7) lazy4)