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Example Applications |
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On this page you will find any example applications using Feathers-Vuex that have been shared by the community. If there's something you would like to see here, feel free to make a PR to add it to the Community Examples list.
The Feathers Chat Example for Feathers Vuex has been updated to [email protected]
and everything has been rewritten with the Vue composition API. The old repo is now available at https://github.com/feathersjs-ecosystem/feathers-chat-vuex-0.7. The following information will assist you in seeing the "before" and "after" of the refactor to [email protected].
- The folder structure is similar, since this is a VueCLI application. Some of the components in the old version have been moved into the
is now/views/Home.vue
is now/views/Signup.vue
is now/views/Login.vue
is now/views/Chat.vue
- The
folder has been flattened. There are no more subfolders. - Component refactors:
The Feathers Chat example is a pretty simple application. Its primary purpose is to show off how easy it is to do realtime with FeathersJS. (FeathersJS continues to be the only framework that treats real-time communication as a first-class citizen with the same API across multiple transports.) But it doesn't properly showcase all of the great features in Feathers-Vuex 3.0. This requires a solution that:
- Still allows comparison of Feathers Chat applications made with other frameworks.
- Allows the version of Feathers Chat built with Feathers-Vuex to add features and showcase things you might actually use in production.
If there are features which you would like to see implemented, please open an issue in the feathers-chat-vuex Repo for your idea to be considered.
If you have created or know of an example application, please add it, here.