I needed clickstream events for an internal POC (proof of concept) I implemented some time ago. Since I'm pretty exited about Clojure and wrote a couple of blog articles about Clojure in my Medium Publication I thought that I publish the clickstream generator web application in my Github account as a Clojure example.
So, this is a simple clickstream generator to demonstrate how to create a simple Web service server using Clojure.
The clickstream data generator is a simple Clojure application. See the example properties file provided with the application (you can create other properties files yourself for various purposes).
There are two parts in the application:
- Clickstream generator. Generates two kinds of clicks based on the imaginary web store which sells books (product group 1) and movies (product group 2) (see click templates below).
- Web server for starting/stopping click generation.
The server sends the generated clickstream events to AWS Kinesis stream. In the original POC I implemented an AWS Lambda using Python to process the raw url clicks to semantic events and then stored those events using AWS Firehose to S3. Then I used AWS Glue to provide a relational view to those semantic events for further analysis using AWS Quicksight. This application is for demonstrating how one can use Clojure to implement a Web service server so I didn't comprise the AWS infrastructure code (in the original POC I used Terraform for AWS infrastructure).
You can configure the click event stochastic model in csgen.properties file.
There are two kinds of clicks generated:
Product group clicks, e.g. "https://webstore.demo.com/api/group/2?userid=77>" => User 77 is browsing product titles in product group 2 list.
Product clicks, e.g. "https://webstore.demo.com/api/group/2/product/345?userid=77>" => User 77 is viewing details of product 345 (belonging to product group 2).
The clickstream functionality is hosted in a web server implemented using Compojure (routing library for Ring) and Ring (Clojure web applications library).
- Create a properties file (see example in resources directory).
- Start server giving AWS credentials and the properties file using the following environment variables:
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<YOUR-ACCESS-KEY> AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=<YOUR-SECRET-KEY> CS_CONFIG_FILE=resources/csgen.properties lein with-profile +log-dev ring server-headless
Another way would be to create a temporary AWS token using AWS STS and use it in your development machine.
Since this application was part an internal throw-away POC I didn't implement that many tests. There is one test, however. I wanted to know that the product group probability works properly, so the thest creates 100.000 product groups and checks that the ratios are within a given delta.
The POC I talked earlier was deployed to AWS, so for this reason the Clojure code has dependencies to Amazonica, a Clojure Amazon AWS api.
Follow these instructions to create a distributable and Amazon Machine Image (AMI):
Create distributable:
Create AMI:
- The Ansible Playbook has a quick hack to start the clickstream generator server using /etc/rc.local. In production we should create a real /etc/init.d service, of course.
- I didn't include the Terraform AWS configuration in this project since I only wanted to demonstrate how to use Clojure.
- Another way to create a deployment unit for AWS would be to pack the clickstream generator as a Docker container and use AWS ECS / Fargate to deploy the container.