- Host machine with at least one NVIDIA GPU/CUDA support and installed drivers (to support dense reconstruction).
- Docker (for CUDA support 19.03+).
Check that Docker >=19.03 installed on your host machine:
docker --version
Check that you have an NVIDIA driver installed on your host machine:
Setup the nvidia-toolkit on your host machine:
For Ubuntu host machines:
For CentOS host machines:./setup-centos.sh
Run the run script, using the full local path to your preferred local working directory (a folder with your input files/images, etc.):
./run.sh /path/where/your/working/folder/is
This will put you in a directory (inside the Docker container) mounted to the local path you specified. Now you can run COLMAP binaries on your own inputs like this:
colmap automatic_reconstructor --image_path ./images --workspace_path .
After completing steps 1-3, you can alternatively build the docker image from scratch based on the Dockerfile (e.g., with your own modifications) using:
./run.sh /path/where/your/working/folder/is
Install an NVIDIA driver and NVIDIA container runtime:
sudo apt install ubuntu-drivers-common
sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall
If you failed to install the above, check the appropriate NVIDIA driver by yourself and install it:
ubuntu-drivers devices
sudo apt install nvidia-driver-455