The Magma NMS provides an enterprise grade GUI for provisioning and operating magma based networks.
This document is written to help with development of the Magma NMS
See the docs for a user-focused guide.
The NMS application lives in nms/
Here, package.json
specifies the necessary dependencies and development scripts.
Triggering unit tests, e2e tests, eslint, and TypeScript checks is done from this directory.
NOTE: This guide is written for development directly using Docker. You may need to make adjustments if using MiniKube.
Docker Settings
- Ensure you have Docker installed
- Configure Docker to at least 4 GiB allocated memory for Orc8r + NMS
Magma Orc8r
- The NMS requires a working connection to the Magma Orc8r to function.
- For local development, bring up the Orc8r docker containers.
- See
NMS Metrics and Graphing
- To ensure that NMS has access to metrics and graphing functionality, bring up the Prometheus and Grafana containers.
- See
- This is optional during development
Run the following command from nms/
COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME=magmalte docker-compose build magmalte
Run the following command from nms/
docker-compose up -d
We recommend that the first time you bring up the Magma NMS,
you do so without any local changes,
allowing you to troubleshoot your setup.
This should correspond to a recent pull of the main
branch from Github.
Here are some example logs from the Magma NMS magmalte
container from a successful startup:
➜ magmalte git:(1-9-nms-orgs-fix) docker-compose logs -f magmalte
Attaching to magmalte_magmalte_1
magmalte_1 | waiting 30 seconds for postgres:5432
magmalte_1 | postgres:5432 is available after 0 seconds
magmalte_1 | yarn run v1.22.4
magmalte_1 | $ nodemon scripts/server
magmalte_1 | [nodemon] 2.0.6
magmalte_1 | [nodemon] reading config ./nodemon.json
magmalte_1 | [nodemon] to restart at any time, enter `rs`
magmalte_1 | [nodemon] or send SIGHUP to 48 to restart
magmalte_1 | [nodemon] watching path(s): config/**/* scripts/**/* server/**/* grafana/**/* alerts/**/*
magmalte_1 | [nodemon] watching extensions: js,mjs,json
magmalte_1 | [nodemon] starting `node -r ./babelRegister.js scripts/server.js`
magmalte_1 | [nodemon] spawning
magmalte_1 | [nodemon] child pid: 60
magmalte_1 | [nodemon] watching 39 files
magmalte_1 | 2021-09-11T22:15:40.797Z [scripts/server.js] info: Development server started on port 8081
magmalte_1 | webpack built fc3715696396ffc97329 in 36938ms
magmalte_1 | 2021-09-11T22:16:12.510Z [express-middleware/webpackSmartMiddleware.js] warn: Version: webpack 4.46.0
magmalte_1 | Time: 36938ms
magmalte_1 | Built at: 09/11/2021 10:16:12 PM
magmalte_1 | Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names
magmalte_1 | login.js 43.5 KiB login [emitted] login
magmalte_1 | main.js 5.37 MiB main [emitted] [big] main
magmalte_1 | master.js 1.03 MiB master [emitted] [big] master
magmalte_1 | vendor.js 41.7 MiB vendor [emitted] [big] vendor
magmalte_1 | Entrypoint main [big] = vendor.js main.js
magmalte_1 | Entrypoint login [big] = vendor.js login.js
magmalte_1 | Entrypoint master [big] = vendor.js master.js
magmalte_1 | 2021-09-11T22:16:12.511Z [express-middleware/webpackSmartMiddleware.js] info: Compiled with warnings.
Run the following from nms/
docker-compose logs -f magmalte
Depending on the issues you run into, you may need to check the logs of other containers, both NMS and Orc8r related.
If the NMS application server crashes, you will likely find the following error log:
[nodemon] app crashed - waiting for file changes before starting...
If your NMS containers are up and running, it is likely that the NMS app server has crashed.
Check the magmalte
container logs.
This likely corresponds to React errors. If this is the case, you should be able to see the relevant error logs through your web browser's developer tools.
Running eslint and TypeScript checks requires installing dependencies.
Install node and npm if you haven't already
Install yarn if you don't already have it:
npm install --global yarn
Run the following command from nms/
to install all dependencies:
yarn install --frozen-lockfile
Run from nms/
Version 7.3.2
of eslint
is used currently.
yarn run eslint ./
Run from nms/
Version 4.7.4
of TypeScript
is used currently.
yarn run tsc
Run from nms/
yarn run test
Run from nms/
This brings up the NMS docker containers, as well as a mock Orc8r API server. Tests are run using puppeteer to control a headless Chrome.
These tests can also be triggered without the mocked API.
Run the following in nms/
in the magmalte
docker container:
yarn test:e2e
Run yarn test --coverage
Run ./ --generate
in ${MAGMA_ROOT}/orc8r/cloud/docker
This re-generates various files, including the TypeScript API bindings for NMS.
Multitenancy is supported in the Magma NMS. Each tenant is called an "organization".
Each organization owns a subset of the networks provisioned on Orchestrator, and the special host
organization administrates organizations in the system.
Users in organizations log into the NMS using a subdomain that matches their organization name. For example, users of a NewOrg organization in the NMS would access the NMS using http://.localhost:8081/nms
Note that any NMS user can only access the organization it was created under.
When you deploy the NMS for the first time, you'll need to create a user that has access to the host organization.
Run the following command from nms/
and make sure to substitute ADMIN_USER_EMAIL
with your desired email and password.
docker-compose exec magmalte yarn setAdminPassword host ADMIN_USER_EMAIL ADMIN_USER_PASSWORD
Access the host
(http://host.localhost:8081/host) portal to create your first organization.
Create a new super user for that organization, and then you can login as that user for your new organization.
For example, if you created an organization called magma-test
, you can access the NMS at http://magma-test.localhost:8081/nms
Run the following from nms/
to create two users, one for host
organization, and another for magma-test
The username and password for both will be [email protected]
and password1234
The host portal allows management of organizations.
The admin portal allows management for users of an organization.
For a magma-test
organization, you would access the admin portal at the following:
Regular users will do their regular network management through the NMS portal.
For a magma-test
organization, you would access the NMS at the following: