Powerful Pattern Matching for Java. This module provides an API for matching on Collections, aswell as on and within Streams!
where x.y.z represents the latest version
compile 'com.aol.cyclops:cyclops-pattern-matching-collections:x.y.z'
At the top level the operators are
- whenFromStream : to a define a new case from a Stream of cases
- whenIterable : to specifically handle the case where the Object to match is an iterable
Second level operators are
- allTrue : all the predicates must match
- bothTrue : both the predicates must match
- allMatch : all the hamcrest matchers must match
- bothTrue : both the hamcrest matchers must match
- allHold : allows mix of predicates, hamcrest matchers and prototype values all of which must hold
- allValues : check all values in the supplied array match the first values in the iterable
- streamOfResponsibility : extract the matching cases from a Stream. Useful for introducing selection logic within your own Java 8 Streams
Further Operators
- thenApply : final action to determine result on match
- thenConsume : final action with no return result on match
- thenExtract : extract a new value to pass to next stage (or as result)
CollectionMatcher.whenIterable().bothMatch(samePropertyValuesAs(new Person("bob")),anything())
.whenIterable().bothMatch(samePropertyValuesAs(new Person("alice")),"boo hoo!")
.apply(Two.tuple(new Person("bob"),"boo hoo!"))
//bob's id
Match against all values in a collection
CollectionMatcher.whenIterable().allValues(1, ANY(), 2).thenApply(l -> "case1")
.whenIterable().allValues(1, 3, 2).thenApply(l -> "case2")
.whenIterable().bothTrue((Integer i) -> i == 1, (String s) -> s.length() > 0).thenExtract(Extractors.<Integer, String> of(0, 1)).thenApply(t -> t.v1 + t.v2)
.match(1, "hello", 2);
Define a Stream of matching cases, use the first matching case found
Stream<ChainImpl> chain = Stream.of(new LessThanAndMultiply(5,10),new LessThanAndMultiply(7,100));
int result = CollectionMatcher.whenFromStream().streamOfResponsibility(chain).match(6).get();
static class LessThanAndMultiply implements ChainOfResponsibility<Integer,Integer>{
int max;
int mult;
public boolean test(Integer t) {
return t<max;
public Integer apply(Integer t) {
return t*mult;