This page is intended as a public space to collect areas of the EE platform and its included specifications that community members view as needing improvement. Entries here should focus on issues of usability by "Joe H. Developer" and the often-forgotten-about end users and deployers. Things that make people say "Stuff this, I'm switching to {blah}," points of frustration that slow down Java EE development and hold up learning.
This article specifically excludes implementer-side issues that aren't visible to application authors, simply to narrow its scope. A parallel article for SPI-side and implementer-side issues would be an excellent addition, but one this article's initial author lacks the experience to begin at this point.
(This article is still being filled out with the basics, so please forgive its current skeletal nature).
This is not a free-for-all feature request list. Please focus on areas of problematic integration, "rough edges" and pain points in the existing specifications, rather than things that would require whole new specs and huge extensions to existing specs. Think about things that would solve real problems experienced by real developers using the Java EE platform today. Of particular interest are difficulties where two different specs clash or are hard to use together, and apparent oversights that make a spec much harder to use than it needs to be.
When you add something, explain what problem(s) it would solve, and why. Mention the spec(s) the point relates to and always link to the project or JCP page for the project. Link to JIRA entries, blog post(s), mailing list post(s) etc that discuss the issue - preferably not just your own posts. If at all possible, reference workarounds that are currently being employed for the problem, such as a Seam 3 or DeltaSpike project, etc. For detailed spec-specific discussion on an issue, please link to an appropriate spec's wiki page unless that spec lacks a wiki, in which case create a sub-page here. Keep entries here short.
If you don't have any references for the topic, please start discussion about the topic in an appropriate place rather than just immediately adding it here. Good places include app-server specific forums or mailing lists, spec-specific -users mail aliases, your blog network, etc. Once you've found some interest from others and confirmed you aren't just missing something that already has a simple solution, feel free to add it here. If you do find a simple solution but think it was too hard to find, counter-intuitive, or badly under-documented then add it here along with a proposal for how to improve that situation.
When an issue has been addressed, don't delete it. Annotate it as such, being specific about the spec version of the fix and if possible adding links to specific statements about the fix. Then move it to the bottom of the appropriate list. Same with anything where later discussion concludes it's a bad idea.
Application configuration (preferences and settings) is an unsolved and ongoing problem. There are many poor and limited ways to these tasks, but the platform doesn't provide a clear answer for developers about which approach(es) to take or a single clearly preferable path. This is not a new issue and has been raised with the EG in the past before being raised in July '12 on the EE 7 EG list with little apparent interest. It is possible that fairly small changes may make a big improvement in this area possible.
Deployment configuration is also an ongoing issue. Changing a bean alternative in beans.xml currently requires the archive to be modified and redeployed. There is no standard scheme for deploying "override" or "companion" archives with alternative bean implementations, additional/replacement descriptors, etc. This means users generally cannot deploy a .war directly to their server, they often have to modify and rebuild it. Application authors are avoiding the use of standard descriptor-based facilities like JAAS because of the difficulty of configuring them at run- or deploy-time. TODO: Refs.
Incomplete SPIs render it difficult to swap out and replace some high level components of application servers, like JPA providers and JSF implementations. TODO: Ref ee7 spec discussion.
Java Transaction API (JTA) (JSR 907) and its EJB integration
The exceptions thrown from some JTA methods are very confusing, and it's hard for an application author to know what to do with them. How do you respond to a HeuristicMixedException? See: Ludovic on
Bean managed transactions using UserTransaction offer no equivalent to the CMT TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRES_NEW. EJBs using bean managed transactions cannot suspend and resume transactions. See: Ludovic on Among other things this makes it very hard to handle and retry "normal" failures of a transactional resource - like a serialization failure or optimistic locking exception in a commit to a contested table - without disrupting an unrelated outer transaction.
EJBs using cannot cleanly make business method calls to their own methods, ie "self invoke". This is an issue primarily because of the aforementioned inability for BMT EJBs to suspend and resume transactions, as it means app authors can't use a TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRES_NEW subroutine in a retry loop inside the EJB, they have to factor it out into a separate helper EJB or make the caller retry on failure.
Control over how and when lazy properties and relationships are fetched is lacking. It's on the JPA 2.1 spec proposal but there has been little discussion on the JPA 2.1 EG list as of July '12. Provider-specific extensions for some providers address the issue. See this query that was sent to the JPA EG and JavaEE 7 EG and its associated links. TODO: More references.
There is no access to the EntityManager from within entity lifecycle callbacks and interceptors. Being addressed in JPA 2.1. TODO: ref
CDI injection into EntityListener and entities is not supported, making integration into CDI apps very hard. EntityListener injection added to JPA 2.1. TODO: ref
Overriding or extending beans.xml at deploy time requires the archive to be re-packaged, destroying signing information. This is a cumbersome and confusing process for users who simply want to deploy an application. TODO: refs.
There's no facility for providing bean alternative implementations or new interceptors at deploy time. TODO: refs.
Applications have no control over the lifetime of beans obtained via @New Instance<T>. They are always dependent scoped. TODO: JIRA ref.
JavaServer Faces (JSF) 2 (JSR 344)
- Injection into @FacesConverter is not supported. Fixed by JSF 2.1, worked around by Seam 3 Faces. TODO: jsf21 ref
JDBC 4 (JSR 221)
- JDBC doesn't have a project or a -users alias, so community participation is almost totally excluded. This is a real pain for JDBC driver implementers who aren't EG members; just ask the PostgreSQL JDBC team.
The -users and -experts list split discourages participation and feedback. Weighted toward spec implementers, fails to draw on experience using the specs. TODO: Refs
Heavy use of conference calls and reliance on in-person scheduled meetings excludes loosely coupled internet community contribution. TODO: Refs
- The lack of native properties support in Java, combined with the reliance on accessors for interceptor and proxying functionality in EJB, CDI, etc, can produce produces excessively verbose Java EE code. This is a particular problem with JPA entities, which are often 70% + accessor methods, usually generated methods that serve no useful purpose.