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Integration of DHIS2 and R
Jason P. Pickering, PhD

The R Inferno

What is R anyway?

  • R is freely available, open source statistical computing environment.
  • R refers to both the computer programming language, as well as the software which can be used to create and run R scripts.
  • It is not possible to describe the breadth of what R can do in this lecture, but there are numerous resources available on the web.
  • R is particularly well suited for (complex) statistical analysis and (advanced) visualization and data manipulation.
  • Its interactive programming environment encourages ad-hoc programming, but fully supports object-oriented programming structures.
  • is the main site.

What do we mean by integration?

  • The combination of two pieces of software into a single system (at least from the user perspective)
  • DHIS2 is written in Java, but R is a separate language.
  • Somethings are easy to do in Java, some things are easy to do in R.
  • Integration of this type can offer significant advantages, especially in terms of cost and risk mitigation.

Why would we want to integrate DHIS2 and R?

  • R offers the possibility to perform (advanced) statistical analysis.
  • R offers the possibility to visualize data in ways not possible with DHIS2.
  • Routine reports and tasks can be automated.
  • R is used routinely for epidemiological and data quality analysis.

What can R do? A simple example

# sample a normal distribution, with a mean of 5 and sd of 2, 100 times
x <- rnorm(100, mean = 5, sd = 2)
x.sorted <- sort(x)
# plot the expected and actual probability density
plot(x.sorted, dnorm(x.sorted, mean = 5, sd = 2), type = "l", ylim = c(0, 0.25), 
    ylab = "Probability", xlab = "Value", main = "Actual and expected distribution")
lines(density(x), col = 1, lty = 2)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-1

This is just a trivial example of how to simulate data and plot it with R.

What just happened?

  • We generated some random variates with rnorm
  • We sorted them with sort
  • We plotted them with plot
  • We added another layer to the plot with lines
  • We can save this file to a script, and then run it as a script, or we can type it into the R environment line by line.

Why would we want to use R with DHIS2?

  • DHIS2 provides a powerful data collection, management and storage system.
  • It can perform basic analysis, but lacks advanced analysis capabilities.
  • R is free and open source, and runs on multiple platforms (like DHIS2).
  • R is a great compliment to DHIS2 to do things like
    • Statistical and epidemiological analysis
    • Plotting
    • Data transformation and importation
    • ...

Examples of how to use R with DHIS2.

  1. Retreiving metadata directly from the database
  2. Retreiving data from the database with SQL
  3. Working with MyDatamat to make a trellis plot
  4. Getting data through the WebAPI
  5. Projecting population data and importing through the CSV importer

Example 1: Retrieving data with R and ODBC

con <- odbcConnect("dhis2")
sqlTest <- c("SELECT  name FROM dataelement ORDER BY name LIMIT 5;")
mydata <- sqlQuery(con, sqlTest)
##                                       name
## 1                                  aaaaaaa
## 2  Acute Flaccid Paralysis (AFP) follow-up
## 3        Acute Flaccid Paralysis (AFP) new
## 4  Acute Flaccid Paralysis (AFP) referrals
## 5 Albendazole given at ANC (2nd trimester)

All we did was connect to the DHIS2 database and retrieve some data element names.

Example 2: Analysis of ART data, by gender

  • Suppose we have been asked to produce a plot of new ART acceptor by gender.
  • We look in the database, and see the data element "ART new clients started on ARV"
  • It appears to be disaggregated by age AND gender
  • We can write a query and get some data (not displayed here)
   startdate categoryoptioncomboname sum
1 2009-01-01          (25-49y, Male)   1
2 2009-02-01          (>49y, Female)   1
3 2009-02-01          (15-24y, Male)   2
4 2009-02-01        (25-49y, Female)   3
5 2009-02-01          (25-49y, Male)   3
  • Problem is this data appears to be disaggregated by both age and gender. What should we do?

Lets reaggregate the data by gender

# Lets reaggregate the data by gender First, lets get rid of the age
# groups
arv$gender <- sapply(as.character(arv$categoryoptioncomboname), function(x) sub(")", 
    "", strsplit(x, ",")[[1]][2]))
# Reaggregate the data by gender
arv.sum <- aggregate(sum ~ gender, data = arv, sum)
# Format the numbers
arv.sum$Percentage <- round(arv.sum$sum/sum(arv.sum$sum) * 100, 2)
##    gender sum Percentage
## 1  Female  70      66.04
## 2    Male  36      33.96

We can obviously conclude from the data, that more women are new ARV entrants than men.

Why would we want to write a bunch of code to do this?

  • Why not just do the analysis in Excel?
    • We could, but what if we need to do it again with new data?
  • Why not use the _categorystructure table to get the right category options?
    • Might work, but what if we do not have the data in this format?

Basically, R allows you to automate a particular analysis, so that you can write it once, and always reproduce it in the future.
The power to automate particular analyses is incredibly useful, time-saving, and allows you to show others what you have done.

Example 3: Working with MyDatamart

  • Suppose we have been asked to compare Antenatal coverage (1,2,3) by province in Sierra Leone over the last 12 months.
  • Suppose further we do not have direct access to the DHIS2 database server, but rather only through MyDatamart (which is quite likely)
# First we need to load some libraries

Next, we need to connect to the database

dbPath <- "C:\\dhis2\\sl.dmart"
drv <- dbDriver("SQLite")
db <- dbConnect(drv, dbPath)

Example 3: Working with MyDatamart, continued

We can define an SQL query to retrieve data from the MyDatamart database into an R data frame as follows.

# An SQL query which will retreive all indicators at OU2 le
sql <- "SELECT * FROM pivotsource_indicator_ou2_m\nWHERE year = '2011'"
# Execute the query into a new result set
rs <- dbSendQuery(db, sql)
# Put the entire result set into a new data frame
Inds <- fetch(rs, n = -1)
##  [1] "orgunit1"             "ou1"                  "orgunit2"            
##  [4] "ou2"                  "level"                "ou_type"             
##  [7] "ou_ownership"         "indicatorid"          "indicator"           
## [10] "indshort"             "annualized"           "child_health"        
## [13] "diseases"             "reproductive_health"  "human_resources"     
## [16] "epi_age"              "morbidity_age"        "stocks"              
## [19] "main_indicator_group" "numxfactor"           "factor"              
## [22] "denominatorvalue"     "numeratorvalue"       "periodtype"          
## [25] "year"                 "month"                "period"

Example 3: Working with MyDatamart, continued

  • Looks like we have a lot of columns and indicators, but only a few which we are really interested in.
  • Looks like we have a lot of indicators, only a few of which we are really interested in.
  • We see from the colnames command that there is an column called "indshort" which looks like it contains some indicator names.
  • After we have determined which ones we need (ANC 1, 2, and 3), lets further subset the data so that we only have these.

Example 3: Subset and rearrange the data for ANC

# Grep out the indicators we want
ANC <- Inds[grep("ANC (1|2|3) Coverage", as.factor(Inds$indshort)), c("ou2", 
    "month", "year", "indshort", "factor", "numeratorvalue", "denominatorvalue")]
# Lets get the actual value Lets reorder the months
MonthOrder <- c("Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", 
    "Oct", "Nov", "Dec")
ANC$month <- factor(ANC$month, levels = MonthOrder)
ANC <- mutate(ANC, value = factor * numeratorvalue/denominatorvalue)
ANC <- ANC[, c("ou2", "month", "year", "indshort", "value")]
ANC[1:3, ]
##    ou2 month year       indshort value
## 3   Bo   Sep 2011 ANC 2 Coverage 150.9
## 4   Bo   Sep 2011 ANC 3 Coverage 102.1
## 25  Bo   Sep 2011 ANC 1 Coverage 169.9

Example 3: Making a trellis plot

xyplot(value ~ month | ou2, data = ANC, type = "a", main = "District ANC Comparison Sierra Leone 2011", 
    groups = indshort, xlab = "Month", ylab = "ANC Coverage", scales = list(x = list(rot = 90)), 
    key = simpleKey(levels(factor(ANC$indshort)), points = FALSE, lines = TRUE, 
        corner = c(1, 1)))

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-10

Example 3: Conclusion

  • Again, you are asking yourself, why write code for all of this?
    • Well, we only have to write the code once, and next time someone asks us for the analysis, we just rerun the script.
    • We can share the script without friends, so that they can perform the same analysis
    • The steps we took to reach the figure are clearly documented in the code.
  • As you can see, R is a powerful tool for data manipulation and graphical visualization.

Example 4: Calculation of some statistics

  • R has extremely advanced features for performing statistical analysis.
  • Since there are so many packages out there, we do not need to write a lot of code.
  • Let's suppose we have been asked for some summary statistics on severe malnutrition in Sierra Leone in 2011.

Example 4: Getting data through the WebAPI

# This is a URL endpoint for a report table which we can get from the
# WebAPI.
url <- ""
# Lets get the response and we do not need the headers This site has some
# issues with its SSL certificate so lets not verify it.
response <- getURL(url, userpwd = "admin:district", httpauth = 1L, header = FALSE)
# Unquote the data
data <- noquote(response)
# here is the data.
mydata <- read.table(textConnection(data), sep = ",", header = T)

Example 4: Calculation of summary statistics of malnutrition

  • Lets calculate the summary statistics
##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
##    2.70    6.38    7.00    6.91    8.78   10.20
  • We have simply requested the data from the WepAPI for a particular report table, and returned it to the mydata object.
  • Pattern : Request data from WebAPI->Read into an R data frame-> Rearrange -> Perform analysis
  • R can be used to retreive data directly from the WebAPI

Summary of data extraction and manipulation with R

  • Many many more examples are possible
  • R can get data from DHIS2 in a number of ways
    • Directly from the database
    • From MyDatamart
    • From the WebAPI
  • Once the data has been parsed into R, basically any type of statistical analysis can be performed.

Example 5: Data transformation and importation into DHIS2

Indicator Period Organisation unit Total
Total Population 2011 Western Area 895525
Total Population 2011 Moyamba 304268
Total Population 2011 Bombali 461678
Total Population 2011 Kenema 574566
Total Population 2011 Bonthe 165924
Total Population 2011 Pujehun 268227
Total Population 2011 Kono 390703
Total Population 2011 Port Loko 532322
  • Let us suppose we have been asked to project population figures for 2012 and 2013, assuming a growth rate of 2.25% per year.
  • We need to import this data into DHIS2, and preferably, do it in such a way so that we do not have to enter the data manually (as there could be many, many data to enter!)

Example 5: This is what we need

Data elementYesRefers to uid by default, can also be name and code based on selected id scheme
PeriodYesIn ISO format
Org unitYesRefers to uid by default, can also be name and code based on selected id scheme
Category option comboNoRefers to uid
ValueNoData value
Stored byNoRefers to username of user who entered the value
TimestampNoDate in ISO format
CommentNoFree text comment
Follow upNotrue or false

Example 5: First lets get the data from DHIS2

  • Same as example 4, but just a different URL
## 'data.frame':	1167 obs. of  18 variables:
##  $ Indicator.ID                 : int  5808 5808 5808 5808 5808 5808 5808 5808 5808 5808 ...
##  $ Organisation.unit.ID         : int  278314 260431 260390 543058 222740 247011 233372 193299 222625 268218 ...
##  $ Indicator.UID                : chr  "cI3OTahNbFi" "cI3OTahNbFi" "cI3OTahNbFi" "cI3OTahNbFi" ...
##  $ Organisation.unit.UID        : chr  "OEG9W5mSxjs" "XYKtySBQXaF" "ENVRCxz1RcZ" "nPq4X2mXBx3" ...
##  $ Indicator                    : chr  "Total Population" "Total Population" "Total Population" "Total Population" ...
##  $ Organisation.unit            : chr  "Approved School CHP" "Waiima MCHP" "Pejewa MCHP" "Mabang MCHP" ...
##  $ Indicator.code               : chr  "S40" "S40" "S40" "S40" ...
##  $ Organisation.unit.code       : logi  NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
##  $ Indicator.description        : logi  NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
##  $ Organisation.unit.description: logi  NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
##  $ Reporting.month              : int  2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 ...
##  $ Organisation.unit.parameter  : logi  NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
##  $  : chr  "No" "No" "No" "No" ...
##  $ X2009                        : num  15132 4846 3256 NA 3481 ...
##  $ X2010                        : num  15504 4965 3335 NA 3566 ...
##  $ X2011                        : logi  NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
##  $ X2012                        : logi  NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
##  $ X2013                        : logi  NA NA NA NA NA NA ...

Example 5: Working up the data

pop <- mydata[, c("Indicator.UID", "Organisation.unit.UID", "X2010")]
colnames(pop) <- c("dataelement", "orgunit", "value")
# Get ride of empty values
pop <- pop[!$value), ]
# Project the populations
pop.2011 <- mutate(pop, period = "2011", value = value * 1.0225)
pop.2012 <- mutate(pop.2011, period = "2012", value = value * 1.0225)
pop.2013 <- mutate(pop.2012, period = "2013", value = value * 1.0225)
pop <- rbind(pop.2011, pop.2012, pop.2013)
# Round off everything
pop$value <- round(pop$value, 0)
# We need some new columns
pop$categoryoptioncombo <- "P3p47Zcxn1C"
pop$storedby <- "admin"
pop$timestamp <- format(Sys.time(), "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S+0000")
pop$comment <- "Import from R"
pop$followup <- "false"
pop <- pop[, c("dataelement", "period", "orgunit", "categoryoptioncombo", "value", 
    "storedby", "timestamp", "comment", "followup")]
write.csv(pop, file = "population.csv", row.names = FALSE)

Example 5: Summary

  1. In this extended example, we showed how to retrieve data from the DHIS2 Web API
  2. We reshaped the data , extracting columns of interest
  3. We then uploaded the values back to DHIS2.

Is this really integration?

Why consider to use R with DHIS2?

  • DHIS2 collects and manages data extremely well, but is limited in how it can analyze it.
  • Why consider R when there are commercial alternatives like SAS, STATA and SPSS (et. al. )?
    • One big reason ... it is free.
    • R can do everything the commercial packages can do, and even more.
    • It allows you to share your work with other people.
  • Essentially unlimited possibilities for how to analyze/ data from DHIS2.

Why would you may not want to use R with DHIS2?

  • R is less a software package than a programming language.
  • R has a very steep learning curve.
  • R programmers are in short supply (esp in India)
  • R offers no commerical support or warranty.
  • R has some issues with "big data".

Pros and cons

  • The good
    • Some things are easier to code in high level languages
    • R has extensive built-in facilities for data manipulation
    • Risk mitigation
  • The bad
    • Mixing of languages can complicate the development process
    • Scalability and performance
    • Complicated deployment requirements

Practical uses for R and DHIS2 together

  • These are taken from real uses of DHIS2 and R.
    • Importation/transformation of legacy data into DHIS2
    • Production of statistical reports
    • Automated sending of SMS alerts based on threshold alerts.
    • Web scraping/automated import of data into DHIS2.
    • Projection of population/baseline data.
    • Modelling of DHIS2 data to deal with reporting completeness.
    • ???
