This library provides many of the features in the official javascript mixpanel library. It is easy to use, and fully async.
npm install mixpanel
// grab the Mixpanel factory
var Mixpanel = require('../lib/mixpanel-node');
// create an instance of the mixpanel client
var mixpanel = Mixpanel.init('6fd9434dba686db2d1ab66b4462a3a67');
// track an event with optional properties
mixpanel.track("my event", {
distinct_id: "some unique client id",
as: "many",
properties: "as",
you: "want"
// create or update a user in Mixpanel Engage
mixpanel.people.set("billybob", {
$first_name: "Billy",
$last_name: "Bob",
plan: "premium",
games_played: 1,
points: 0
// set a single property on a user
mixpanel.people.set("billybob", "plan", "free");
// increment a numeric property
mixpanel.people.increment("billybob", "games_played");
// increment a numeric property by a different amount
mixpanel.people.increment("billybob", "points", 15);
// increment multiple properties
mixpanel.people.increment("billybob", {"points": 10, "games_played":
// delete a user
// all functions that send data to mixpanel take an optional
// callback as the last argument
mixpanel.track("test", function(err) { if (err) throw err; });
# in the mixpanel-node directory
npm install
npm test
Heavily inspired by the original js library copyright Mixpanel, Inc. (
Copyright (c) 2012 Carl Sverre
Released under the MIT license. See file called LICENSE for more details.