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UiPath / libgit2sharp
Forked from libgit2/libgit2sharpGit + .NET/Mono = ❤
UiPath / Saml2
Forked from Sustainsys/Saml2Saml2 Authentication services for ASP.NET
UB-Mannheim / tesseract
Forked from tesseract-ocr/tesseractTesseract Open Source OCR Engine (main repository)
SharpeRAD / RazorEngine
Forked from Antaris/RazorEngineOpen source templating engine based on Microsoft's Razor parsing engine
SharpeRAD / MailBounceDetector
Forked from rgl/MailBounceDetectorDetects whether a MailKit email Message is a bounce message
SharpeRAD / Cake.IIS
Forked from RagingKore/Cake.WebIIS addin for Cake
TFVC Checkin policies (including Code Review checkin policy)
clbr / tigervnc
Forked from TigerVNC/tigervncHigh performance, multi-platform VNC client and server
yuvadm / WhatsAPI
Forked from venomous0x/WhatsAPIInterface to WhatsApp Messenger
tgalal / Chat-API
Forked from domingopa/WhatsAPI-OfficialThe php WhatsApp library
MrRoundRobin / Telegram.Bot
Forked from TelegramBots/Telegram.Bot.NET Client for Telegram Bot API
unoplatform / calculator
Forked from microsoft/calculatorUno Calculator: A simple yet powerful iOS/Android/WebAssembly/Linux C# port of the calculator that ships with Windows
axi0mX / EarlGrey
Forked from google/EarlGrey🍵 iOS UI Automation Test Framework
figuemon / MarkupConverter
Forked from mmanela/MarkupConverterThis sample shows how to convert from HTML to RTF, RTF to HTML, XAML to HTML and HTML to XAML.
jatpat / onesync
Forked from mbsky/onesyncAutomatically exported from code.google.com/p/onesync
Lane Detection and Tracking project using opencv in python
A simple document scanner with OCR implemented using Python and OpenCV
This repository is about developing a P2P file sharing system via c# and the other .Net technologies such as WCF
webrtc / adapter
Forked from webrtcHacks/adapterREAD ONLY FORK: Shim to insulate apps from spec changes and prefix differences. Latest adapter.js release:
Portable OpenSSH, all Win32-OpenSSH releases and wiki are managed at https://github.com/powershell/Win32-OpenSSH
apriorit / madb
Forked from quamotion/madbSharpAdbClient is a .NET library that allows .NET applications to communicate with Android devices. It provides a .NET implementation of the adb protocol, giving more flexibility to the developer t…
project-imas / mdm-server
Forked from intrepidusgroup/imdmtoolsSample iOS MDM server
Cisco-Talos / pulledpork
Forked from shirkdog/pulledporkPulled Pork for Snort rule management (from Google code)
jjchiw / gelf4net
Forked from pstehlik/gelf4jGELF log4net Appender - graylog2
Miscellaneous projects related to attacking Windows.
herokumx / pgweb
Forked from sosedoff/pgwebPGWeb for PostgreSQL in Heroku Private Spaces
drivenotepad / ace
Forked from ajaxorg/aceAce (Ajax.org Cloud9 Editor)
jatpat / frpc
Forked from usnistgov/frpcRepository for the Face Recognition Prize Challenge