This example demonstrates how to develop RESTful web service with demonstrating JAX-RS Integration with MIME MultiPart Message Formats and an EE 6 compliant Web container.
The mapping of the URI path space is presented in the following table:
URI path | Description | Sample request using curl |
/form/part | POST message returning entire string | curl -X POST -F "part=part1" http://localhost:8080/multipart-webapp/form/part |
/form/part-file-name | POST message returning part filename string. | Be sure to execute this curl from project directory where pom.xml resides |
| | `curl -X POST -F "[email protected]" http://localhost:8080/multipart-webapp/form/part-file-name`
/form/xml-jaxb-part | POST message returning xml jaxb part string. | No curl sample available, please check test sources.
You can run the example using Jetty as follows:
mvn clean package jetty:run
Following steps are using cURL command line tool: