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qaul Flutter UI

This folder contains the Flutter UI of the qaul app.

l10n: Adding a new language support:

  1. Create a new arb file over lib/l10n/app_<LANG_CODE>.arb

    As per Flutter documentation, LANG_CODE should follow the "preferred value" entry in the IANA Language Subtag Registry.

    Source: Locale class

  2. Copy and paste the contents of app_en.arb to your file.
  3. Replace the values assigned to each key with the new translation.
  4. Run flutter run on any platform target. This will trigger the generation code to create the language class.

    The generated code can be found at qaul_ui/.dart_tool/flutter_gen/gen_l10n

  5. The language support is already complete. You can test changing the current lang in the app's settings.

Local configuration steps


Fastlane is a set of tools that help streamline the most tedious tasks relating to code signing, version releasing & so on.

To have it installed, you need to have Bundler on your machine. It can be installed with: gem install bundler

Then, cd into the ios & android folders and run: bundle install

We do them separately due to them being considered standalone projects from Fastlane's perspective. You should be in the respective folder when running fastlane related tasks. To test if it's properly installed run: bundle exec fastlane --version

Every command you run using fastlane can be run without bundle exec at the beginning, but using bundler explicitly speeds up the execution time, so it's advised.

(iOS-only) Managing XCode certificates & profiles

We use Match to simplify managing all profiles & certificates for iOS. On a fresh machine, follow these steps to configure your XCode environment:

  • Make sure you already have xcode installed by running: xcode-select --install
  • Request access to the certificates & profiles git repo.

Note: Match expects you to have SSH configured to be used with github.

  • Ask for the decryption passphrase
  • Make sure you've installed Fastlane for iOS, then run:
    • fastlane certificates