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File metadata and controls

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SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause

SPDX Mapping for Tern

This file describes a potential mapping between Tern's data structures and the relevant fields of an SPDX tag-value document. This is intended to assist with enabling Tern to output its findings in SPDX tag-value format, for consumption by other tools.

In particular, it will focus on highlighting any necessary data items that are deemed "mandatory" by the SPDX specification.

Version 2.2 of the SPDX specification will be used, since it is the most recent minor release. Relevant details of the SPDX tag-value format can be found in the overview document in this directory.

Relevant Fields

The following table contains (1) all fields that are designated by the SPDX specification as 'mandatory', for the SPDX elements that Tern is likely to use; and (2) any additional fields that are optional but likely to be useful for Tern.

Thoughts on mapping these fields to Tern's data model are described in the Mapping section below.

Section (§) numbers are references to the relevant portions of the SPDX specification, version 2.2. Examples should be assumed to be on a single line, though a Markdown formatter might split them across lines.

Document Creation

The following fields should appear once, at the beginning of the SPDX document:

§ SPDX Field name Mandatory? Brief description Example
2.1 SPDX Version Yes version of SPDX spec SPDXVersion: SPDX-2.2
2.2 Data License Yes license for SPDX metadata in the document itself; always CC0-1.0 DataLicense: CC0-1.0
2.3 SPDX Identifier Yes identifier for the SPDX document itself; always SPDXRef-DOCUMENT SPDXID: SPDXRef-DOCUMENT
2.4 Document Name Yes human-readable name for the SPDX document itself DocumentName: Tern report for ACME Dockerfile
2.5 SPDX Document Namespace Yes unique absolute URI for the SPDX document itself DocumentNamespace:
2.7 License List Version No release version of the SPDX License List being used LicenseListVersion: 3.17
2.8 Creator Yes one or more people, orgs or tools used to create the SPDX document Creator: Tool: tern-2.10
2.9 Created Yes the time and date when the SPDX document was created (ISO 8601; UTC) Created: 2019-03-15T08:25:00Z


The following fields should appear once per Package described in the SPDX document. Each Package section must start with the PackageName field.

§ SPDX Field name Mandatory? Brief description Example
3.1 Package Name Yes full name of package PackageName: requests
3.2 Package SPDX Identifier Yes SPDX identifier for this package, for reference within this document SPDXID: SPDXRef-python-requests-3.1.5
3.3 Package Version No the package's version PackageVersion: 3.1.5
3.7 Package Download Location Yes where the package can be downloaded, or NOASSERTION if unknown or choose not to provide PackageDownloadLocation: git://
3.8 Files Analyzed Yes *** - see below FilesAnalyzed: false
3.10 Package Checksum No checksum for identifying a Package PackageChecksum: SHA256: afff3924849e458c5ef237db5f89539274d5e609db5db935ed3959c90f1f2d51
3.13 Concluded License Yes license concluded by SPDX creator as governing the Package, or NOASSERTION if unknown or choose not to provide PackageLicenseConcluded: LGPL-2.0-only AND MIT
3.15 Declared License Yes licenses declared by Package authors as governing the Package, or NOASSERTION if unknown or choose not to provide PackageLicenseDeclared: MIT
3.17 Copyright Text Yes any copyright notice text for the Package, or NOASSERTION if unknown or choose not to provide PackageCopyrightText: Copyright (c) 2017-2019 Jane Doe
3.21 External Reference No reference to external source of info, e.g. package manager reference ExternalRef: PACKAGE-MANAGER npm [email protected]

*** For the Files Analyzed field (3.8), this must be set to false if the SPDX document does NOT include File element sections for the Files contained within the Package. If File sections are included, then this should be set to true (or the field can be omitted); however, in that case additional mandatory fields are required, notably the Package Verification Code (3.9).


Whenever a relationship is being expressed between two SPDX elements, the following fields should appear.

Relationships do not need to appear grouped together in any particular location. They typically appear immediately following one of the SPDX elements they are describing.

§ SPDX Field name Mandatory? Brief description Example
7.1 Relationship Yes express the relationship between two SPDX elements Relationship: SPDXRef-requests HAS_PREREQUISITE SPDXRef-urllib3

A list of the various Relationship types that are currently recognized is available in section 7.1.1 of the SPDX specification.

Other License

The following fields should appear once per non-standard license (i.e., a license that is not on the SPDX License List described in the SPDX document. Each Other License section should start with the LicenseID field.

This section is not required (and must not be included) for any license that is already on the SPDX License List.

§ SPDX Field name Mandatory? Brief description Example
6.1 License Identifier Yes unique identifier for license in SPDX document LicenseID: LicenseRef-BSD-3-Clause-variant-1
6.2 Extracted Text Yes actual text of license ExtractedText: <text>Redistribution and use in source and binary forms...</text>
6.3 License Name Yes human-readable name for license LicenseName: BSD-3-Clause variant 1


Given the SPDX fields described above, the following discusses how to map those SPDX fields to Tern's existing data model. Items that I've marked with *** will likely require some additional discussion.

Document Creation

Include once at the beginning of the SPDX document.

§ SPDX Field name Tern data model reference Comments
2.1 SPDX Version N/A will always be SPDXVersion: SPDX-2.2
2.2 Data License N/A will always be DataLicense: CC0-1.0
2.3 SPDX Identifier N/A will always be SPDXID: SPDXRef-DOCUMENT
2.4 Document Name TBD does Tern have a human-readable way to refer to the image or Dockerfile being analyzed?
2.5 SPDX Document Namespace TBD ***
2.7 License List Version TBD can specify based on whichever version of the SPDX license list that version of Tern is using
2.8 Creator TBD could be something like Creator: Tool: tern-XYZ, with XYZ being Tern's version or commit hash
2.9 Created N/A generate at document creation time


Tern Package

An SPDX "Package" maps fairly well to Tern's Package class.

§ SPDX Field name Tern data model reference Comments
3.1 Package Name
3.2 Package SPDX Identifier TBD initially, probably use incrementing counter (e.g., SPDXRef-Package-1, SPDXRef-Package-2 ...). May want to figure out a way to incorporate package name / version if we can de-duplicate to ensure uniqueness.
3.3 Package Version Package.version()
3.7 Package Download Location TBD does Tern collect download location information? is there anything here that can be retrieved from package managers? if not, then use NOASSERTION
3.8 Files Analyzed N/A will always be FilesAnalyzed: false unless we want to report on file-level analysis
3.10 Package Checksum TBD appears that we don't collect any checksum info, at the Tern Package level. can we collect anything relevant for e.g. apt-get retrieved packages?
3.13 Concluded License TBD to be discussed whether this should be NOASSERTION or should be same as Declared License
3.15 Declared License Package.license()
3.17 Copyright Text TBD does Tern collect copyright information? is there anything here that can be retrieved from package managers? if not, then use NOASSERTION
3.21 External Reference TBD to be discussed whether to report on package manager identifiers in some fashion; also to discuss limited scope of existing SPDX package manager definitions

Tern ImageLayer

Note that a Tern ImageLayer could also be represented by an SPDX "Package". By doing so, Relationships can then be used to express the interactions between the ImageLayer and its packages.

§ SPDX Field name Tern data model reference Comments
3.1 Package Name ImageLayer.diff_id() or ImageLayer.fs_hash() which of these hashes would be more appropriate? I assume there isn't another human-readable name for an ImageLayer
3.2 Package SPDX Identifier TBD probably use something like SPDXRef-ImageLayer-HASH with HASH being either ImageLayer.diff_id() or ImageLayer.fs_hash()
3.3 Package Version N/A likely omit? this is not a mandatory field and might not make sense for an ImageLayer
3.7 Package Download Location TBD likely NOASSERTION unless we can use a hash to point to a download location
3.8 Files Analyzed N/A will always be FilesAnalyzed: false unless we want to report on file-level analysis
3.10 Package Checksum ImageLayer.diff_id() or ImageLayer.fs_hash() which of these hashes would be more appropriate?
3.13 Concluded License TBD to be discussed whether this should be NOASSERTION, or should be same as Declared License, or should combine its Tern Package licenses somehow
3.15 Declared License TBD to be discussed whether this should be NOASSERTION or should incorporate a license specified in the Dockerfile, if any, or perhaps (if this is correct) from an OCI org.opencontainers.image.licenses annotation?
3.17 Copyright Text TBD to be discussed whether this should be NOASSERTION or should incorporate a copyright notice specified in the Dockerfile, if any
3.21 External Reference TBD likely omit? this is not a mandatory field and might not make sense for an ImageLayer

Tern Image

Note that a Tern Image could also be represented by an SPDX "Package", likely with many of the same considerations as described above for ImageLayer.


Any relationships would make use of the SPDXRef- identifiers defined above. Below are some possible examples, with "Package" below referring to Tern's idea of the Package class:

  • SPDXRef-Image-1 HAS_PREREQUISITE SPDXRef-Package-17: the Image requires the Package as a dependency
  • SPDXRef-Package-17 HAS_PREREQUISITE SPDXRef-Package-22: one Package has another as a dependency
  • SPDXRef-Image-1 CONTAINS SPDXRef-ImageLayer-10: the Image contains the ImageLayer
  • SPDXRef-Package-17 BUILD_TOOL_OF SPDXRef-Image-1: the Package is used as a build tool for the Image
  • SPDXRef-Package-22 OPTIONAL_COMPONENT_OF SPDXRef-Package-17: one Package is an optional component of another

If the SPDX document includes a File element for the Dockerfile being analyzed by Tern, additional relationships could be useful also:

  • SPDXRef-Dockerfile-1 GENERATES SPDXRef-Image-1: the Dockerfile generates the Image
  • SPDXRef-Dockerfile-newer DESCENDANT_OF SPDXRef-Dockerfile-older: one Dockerfile is a newer version of an earlier Dockerfile
  • SPDXRef-Dockerfile-1 METAFILE_OF SPDXRef-Image-1: the Dockerfile is a metadata file that describes the Image

If additional relationships would be useful beyond those currently specified by SPDX, there is an OTHER option, or additional relationship types could be proposed for inclusion in the SPDX specification.

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