echo ${STR%.c} #=> "/path/to/foo"
echo ${STR%.c}.o #=> "/path/to/foo.o"
echo ${STR##*.} #=> "c" (extension)
BASE=${STR##*/} #=> "foo.c" (basepath)
DIR=${SRC%$BASE} #=> "/path/to"
echo ${STR/hi/hello} # Replace first match
echo ${STR//hi/hello} # Replace all matches
echo ${STR/#hi/hello} # ^hi
echo ${STR/%hi/hello} # hi$
echo "${STR:0:3}" # .substr(0, 3) -- position, length
echo "${STR:-3:3}" # Negative position = from the right
echo ${#line} # Length of $line
[ -z "$CC" ] && CC=gcc # CC ||= "gcc" assignment
${CC:=gcc} # $CC || "gcc"
${CC:-gcc} # same as above
echo -n "Proceed? [y/n]: "
read ans
echo $ans
read -n 1 ans # Just one character
for i in /etc/rc.*; do
echo $i
for i in {1..5}; do
echo "Welcome $i"
cat file.txt | while read line; do
echo $line
myfunc() { ... }
fuction myfunc { ... }
fuction myfunc() { ... }
myfunc() {
local myresult='some value'
echo $myresult
$# # Number of arguments
$* # All args
$1 # First argument
# File conditions
if [ -a FILE ]; then # -e exists -d directory -f file
fi # -r readable -w writeable -x executable
# -h symlink -s size > 0
# File comparisons
if [ FILE1 -nt FILE2 ] # -nt 1 more recent than 2
# -ot 2 more recent than 1
# -ef same files
# String
if [ -z STRING ] # empty?
if [ -n STRING ] # not empty?
# Numeric
if [ $? -eq 0 ] # -eq -ne -lt -le -gt -ge
# $? is exit status by the way
# Etc
if [ -o noclobber ] # if OPTIONNAME is enabled
if [ ! EXPR ] # not
if [ ONE -a TWO ] # and
if [ ONE -o TWO ] # or
# Regex
if [[ "A" =~ "." ]]
Assume $FOO is not set. Doing this will result in that:
${FOO:-word} # Returns word
${FOO:+word} # Returns empty, or word if set
${FOO:=word} # Sets parameter to word, returns word
${FOO:?message} # Echoes message and exits
${FOO=word} # : is optional in all of the above
$((RANDOM%=200)) # Random number 0..200
$((a + 200)) # $ is optional
# Declaring using declare -a
declare -a Fruits=('Apple' 'Banana' 'Orange')
echo ${Fruits[0]} # Element #0
echo ${Fruits[@]} # All elements, space-separated
echo ${#Fruits[@]} # Number of elements
echo ${#Fruits} # String length of the 1st element
echo ${#Fruits[3]} # String length of the Nth element
echo ${Fruits[@]:3:2} # Range (from position 3, length 2)
Fruits=("${Fruits[@]}" "Watermelon") # Push
Fruits=( ${Fruits[@]/Ap*/} ) # Remove by regex match
unset Fruits[2] # Remove one item
Fruits=("${Fruits[@]}") # Duplicate
Fruits=("${Fruits[@]}" "${Veggies[@]}") # Concatenate
lines=(`cat "logfile"`) # Read from file
for i in "${arrayName[@]}"; do
echo $i
command -V cd #=> "cd is a function/alias/whatever"
set -o noclobber # Avoid overlay files (echo "hi" > foo)
set -o errexit # Used to exit upon error, avoiding cascading errors
set -o pipefail # Unveils hidden failures
set -o nounset # Exposes unset variables
Glob options
set -o nullglob # Non-matching globs are removed ('*.foo' => '')
set -o failglob # Non-matching globs throw errors
set -o nocaseglob # Case insensitive globs
set -o globdots # Wildcards match dotfiles ("*.sh" => "")
set -o globstar # Allow ** for recursive matches ('lib/**/*.rb' => 'lib/a/b/c.rb')
set GLOBIGNORE as a colon-separated list of patterns to be removed from glob matches.
trap 'echo Error at about $LINENO' ERR
traperr() {
echo "ERROR: ${BASH_SOURCE[1]} at about ${BASH_LINENO[0]}"
set -o errtrace
trap traperr ERR
case $1 in
start | up)
vagrant up
echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|ssh}"
source "${0%/*}/../share/"
printf "Hello %s, I'm %s" Jay Amorin.
Getting options
while [[ "$1" =~ ^- && ! "$1" == "--" ]]; do case $1 in
-V | --version )
echo $version
-s | --string )
shift; string=$1
-f | --flag )
esac; shift; done
if [[ "$1" == '--' ]]; then shift; fi
cat <<END
hello world
* Simple usage
* Case modification
echo ${PARAMETER^} # Upper case first letter.
echo ${PARAMETER^^} # Upper case all letters.
echo ${PARAMETER,} # Lower case first letter.
echo ${PARAMETER,,} # Lower case all letters.
echo ${PARAMETER~} # Reverse the case of the first letter.
echo ${PARAMETER~~} # Reverse the case of all the letters.