Initial release of code now dj-database-urls is part of jazzband.
- Add support for cockroachdb.
- Add support for the offical MSSQL connector.
- Update License to be compatible with Jazzband.
- Remove support for Python < 3.5 including Python 2.7
- Update source code to Black format.
- Update CI using pre-commit
- Use str port for mssql
- Added license
- Add mssql to readme
- Add mssql support using pyodbc
- Fix RST schemas
- Django expects Oracle Ports as strings
- Fix IPv6 address parsing
- Add testing for Python 3.6
- Revert "Add setup.cfg for wheel support"
- added option of postgis backend to also add path parsing. (test added also)
- Support schema definition for redshift
- add redshift support
- Add testing for Python 3.5
- Drop testing for Python 2.6
- Fixes issue with unix file paths being turned to lower case
- add Redis support
- Added SpatiaLite in README.rst
- Enable CA providing for MySQL URIs
- Update Readme
- Update trove classifiers
- Updated description
- Update readme
- Fix for python3
- Handle search path config in connect url for postgres
- Add tox config to ease testing against multiple Python versions
- Simplified the querystring parse logic
- Cleaned up querystring parsing
- supports database options
- Added tests for CONN_MAX_AGE
- Added documentation for conn_max_age
- Add in optional support for CONN_MAX_AGE
- Support special characters in user, password and name fields
- Add oracle support
- Added support for percent-encoded postgres paths
- Fixed test_cleardb_parsing test
- Enable automated testing with Python 3.4
- Add URL schema examples to README
- Added support for python mysql-connector
- Add .gitignore file
- Remove .pyc file
- Remove travis-ci unsupported python version Per docs "Travis CI support Python versions 2.6, 2.7, 3.2 and 3.3"
- Fix cleardb test
- Add setup.cfg for wheel support
- Add trove classifiers for python versions
- Replace Python 3.1 with Python 3.3
- Add MySQL (GIS) support
- Ability to set different engine
- Added spatialite to uses_netloc too
- Added spatialite backend
- Replacing tab with spaces
- Handling special case of sqlite://:memory:
- Empty sqlite path will now use a :memory: database
- Fixing test to actually use the result of the parse
- Adding in tests to ensure sqlite in-memory databases work
- Fixed too-short title underline
- Added :target: attribute to Travis status image in README
- Added docs for default argument to config
- Add "pgsql" as a PostgreSQL URL scheme.
- Add support for blank fields (Django expects '' not None)
- fixed url
- Add python3 support
- Adding travis status and tests
- Adding test environment variables
- Adding test for cleardb
- Remove query strings from name
- Adding postgres tests
- Adding tests
- refactor scheme lookup
- RedHat's OpenShift platform uses the 'postgresql' scheme
- Registered postgis URL scheme
- Added
url scheme - Use get() on os.environ instead of an if
- Fix parse(s)
- Add defaults for env
- Set the DATABASES dict rather than assigning to it
- Add note to README on supported databases
- Add support for SQLite
- Clean dependencies
- Update readme
- Refactor config and use new parse function
🐍 ✨