This R package calculates equilibrium constants for thermodynamic data files used in The Geochemist's Workbench®. It reads reactions from an existing GWB thermodynamic data file, calculates equilibrium constants (log K) for the reactions using the OBIGT database in CHNOSZ, and writes them to a new GWB thermodynamic data file.
- Change the temperature and pressure for log K calculations.
- Update parameters for activity and osmotic coefficients (Debye-Hückel, H2O, CO2) for specified T and P.
- Add new species to the output file.
- List data references in the output file (requires CHNOSZ version > 1.3.6).
- Make plots comparing log K values from two data files.
- Update OBIGT using thermodynamic parameters (ΔG°, S° and Cp°) fitted to log K values from a GWB file.
- Enables addition of species from a GWB file to calculations and diagrams in CHNOSZ.
remotes::install_github("jedick/logKcalc", build_vignettes = TRUE, dependencies = TRUE)
See the vignettes for detailed usage examples.