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Optimize a model

To optimize a model you need to select a dataset, a metric and the search space of the hyperparameters to optimize.

from optimization.optimizer import Optimizer

search_space = {
"alpha": Real(low=0.001, high=5.0),
"eta": Real(low=0.001, high=5.0)

# Initialize an optimizer object and start the optimization.
optimizer = Optimizer(model, dataset, metric, search_space)
result = optimizer.optimize()

The result will provide best-seen value of the metric with the corresponding hyperparameter configuration. To visualize this information you can set the save paramater of Bayesian_optimization() to True and a .csv file will save all the data. You can also set the plot_best_seen and the plot_model to True to save, respectively, the regression of the optimization and the box plot of the different model_runs for each point.

Bayesian Optimization

Bayesian_optimization is the core function.

Bayesian_optimization(f, bounds, minimizer, number_of_call, model_runs, kernel, acq_func,
                      base_estimator_forest, random_state, noise_level, alpha, kappa,
                      x0, y0, time_x0, n_random_starts, save, save_step, save_name,save_path, 
                      early_stop, early_step plot_best_seen, plot_model,plot_prefix_name, 
                      log_scale_plot, verbose, n_points, xi, n_jobs, model_queue_size)

You can performe:

  • Random Search setting the minimizer to skopt.dummy_minimize.
  • Gaussian Process setting the minimizer to skopt.gp_minimize.
  • Random Forest setting the minimizer to skopt.forest_minimize and the base_estimator_forest to RF.
  • Extra Tree setting the minimizer to skopt.forest_minimize and the base_estimator_forest to ET.

To know more you could see the [Code] or some Examples.


f : Function to minimize. Should take a single list of parameters and return the objective value. For example:

#Rosenbrock function of 2 variables
#min{f(x)} = 0
#argmin{f(x)} -> (1, 1) = (a, a**2)
def rosenbrock(x, a = 1, b = 100, noise_level = 0):
    return (a-x[0])**2 + b* ((x[1]-x[0]**2))**2 + ( noise_level ** 2 ) * np.random.randn()

number_of_call : [integer] Number of calls to f, therefore number of points evaluated.

model_runs : [integer] Number of different evaluation of the function in the same point and with the same hyperparameters. Usefull with a lot of noise, to reduce it. save : [boolean] Save policy. It will save all the data in a .csv file and the optimization in a .pkl file.

early_stop : [boolean] Early stop policy. It will stop an optimization_run if it doesn't improve for early_step evaluations.

plot_best_seen : [boolean] Plot the convergence of the Bayesian optimization process, showing mean and standard deviation of the different optimization runs. If save is True the plot is update every save_step evaluations.

plot_model : [boolean] Plot the mean and standard deviation of the different model runs. If save is True the plot is update every save_step evaluations.

To know more you could see the [Code] or [Skopt].


You can find examples [Here].