Workstation configuration for a Fedora or Mac OS install using ansible-pull
WARNING: This is a destructive action
- Setup an ssh key and add to your github repo (or fork and use HTTPS).
- Install ansible and pull the playbook from the repo
sudo dnf install ansible
ansible-pull -K -U [email protected]:jeremy-hanna/setup.git
Mac OS X:
xcode-select --install
sudo easy_install pip
sudo pip install ansible
ansible-pull -K -U [email protected]:jeremy-hanna/setup.git
- installs system packages (see: packages)
- clones and installs dotfiles via the ansible role (see: dotfiles)
- compiles and builds any local tooling (see: clang)
- sets up development directories
- sets system settings (see: settings)
- install software (see: software)
Packages ruby, vim + vim-plug, ctags, i3, golang, zsh + zplug, uxrvt,
Settings Trackpad tap click, Sleep power fix,
Software Spotify for linux, Dropbox?, VLC,
- ansible git module checks for
git status --porcelain
and doesn't pull otherwise avoiding un-merged changes - COPR dnf enabled for things like universal-ctags in the role they're installed in
- caps2esc build step
- add applications (dropbox, spotify, etc.)
- figure out how to configure markdown notes between machines
- hardware related things (HDMI display, speakers, etc.)
- reload .Xmodmap key bindings /dev/input
- improve theme
- timestamp install things like vim-plug or zplug for dotfile changes
- Remove unnecessary applications on fedora
- use better things than hacky shell commands
- migrate dotfiles to use GNU Stow and update this
- get compliant with ansible-lint
- merge OS X playbook into this same repo but switch on OS