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@reflet/http 🌠

Ultra typed, (over) documented, and neatly organised HTTP primitives. Built with a simple and discoverable API surface, for a great developper experience.

Getting started

Requires at least typescript 4.0.

npm i @reflet/http

Status 🎰

Ultra typed, over documented, and neatly organised HTTP status enums, to use for a great developper experience.


import { Status } from '@reflet/http'



Status enum has every status and also the following sub enums:

  • Information for 1xx responses.
  • Success for 2xx responses.
  • Redirection for 3xx responses.
  • ClientError for 4xx responses.
  • ServerError for 5xx responses.
  • Error for 4xx and 5xx responses.
import { Status, HttpError } from '@reflet/http'

throw HttpError(Status.ClientError.Forbidden)

These enums are actually object litterals with a const assertion.`


When use as a type, each category is a union of corresponding status codes.

import { Status } from '@reflet/http'

function redirect(status: Status.Redirection, url: string) {
  // ...

Header πŸ“°


import { Header } from '@reflet/http'

const type = req.header(Header.ContentType)


Header enum is composed of the following exported enums:

  • RequestHeader for the HTTP request headers.
  • ResponseHeader for the HTTP response headers.
import { RequestHeader, ResponseHeader } from '@reflet/http'

res.set(ResponseHeader.Allow, 'GET')

These enums are actually object litterals with a const assertion.`


When use as a type, each category is a union of corresponding headers.

import { Header, ResponseHeader } from '@reflet/http'

function setHeader(name: ResponseHeader, value: string) {


If your application has custom headers, you can augment the union type (but not directly the enum value) with the dedicated global namespace RefletHttp:

declare global {
  namespace RefletHttp {
    interface RequestHeader {
      XCustom: 'x-custom'

    interface ResponseHeader {
      XCustom: 'x-custom'

HttpError πŸ’’


import { HttpError } from '@reflet/http'

throw HttpError(400)
throw HttpError(500, 'My bad')

Attached properties


The resulting error has a status property that will be used, for example by Express and Fastify error handlers, to properly set the HTTP response status.


The resulting error name property will be inferred from status: e.g. "NotFound" for 404.

If you use a unknown error status code, the error name will be "HttpError".

Need more?

Have a look at the Augmentations section.


To respect the inherited Error, non-enumerable properties are kept non-enumerable: name, message, stack.
They won't be serialized by JSON.stringify (MDN reference).

Dedicated static methods

Instead of passing the status code, the known HTTP errors are exposed as static methods: List of HTTP errors.

throw HttpError.Unauthorized('Get out')
// HttpError { status: 400, name: 'Unauthorized', message: 'Get out' }

throw HttpError.InternalServerError('My bad') 
// HttpError { status: 500, name: 'InternalServerError', message: 'My bad' }

Optional new keyword

You can instantiate HttpError with or without the new keyword, just like the built-in Error constructor.

throw HttpError(401)

The compiler is okay with both. πŸ‘Œ


By default, the only parameter you can pass besides the status code is message?: string. You might want your error objects to have more details.

The global namespace RefletHttp gives the possibility, for each different status, to change the optional message parameter to a required data object parameter. This object's properties will be attached to the resulting error (at runtime and compile time).

export {} // necessary to be in a module file

declare global {
  namespace RefletHttp {
    interface Forbidden {
      access: 'read' | 'create' | 'update' | 'delete'
      target: string

    // Could be useful for custom headers since frameworks usually set the response headers with the error headers property:
    interface MethodNotAllowed {
      headers: {
        allow: ('GET' | 'POST' | 'PUT' | 'PATCH' | 'DELETE')[]

throw new HttpError(403, { access: 'read', target: 'user' })
// HttpError { status: 400, name: 'Forbidden', access: 'read', target: 'user' }

throw HttpError.MethodNotAllowed({ headers: { allow: ['GET'] } })
// HttpError { status: 505, name: 'MethodNotAllowed', headers: { allow: ['GET'] } }

Every known HTTP error is available for augmentation under its own name: List of HTTP errors.

Custom Errors

Use both the CustomErrors interface and the defineCustomErrors function to create new static methods associated with their status.

declare global {
  namespace RefletHttp {
    interface CustomErrors {
      299: 'Aborted'
      420: 'EnhanceYourCalm'

// You must define the new errors at runtime, in order for the static methods to exist.
defineCustomErrors({ 299: 'Aborted', 420: 'EnhanceYourCalm' })


With the ErrorConstraint interface, you can whitelist the errors you application uses.

declare global {
  namespace RefletHttp {
    interface ErrorConstraint {
      status: 400 | 401 | 403 | 404 | 405 | 422 | 500
      // or widen to all numbers with `status: number`

message property stringification

If you define a message property with different type than string, like so:

declare global {
  namespace RefletHttp {
    interface BadRequest {
      message: Record<string, any>

it will always be stringified to respect the original Error interface (at runtime and compile time).


throw HttpError(400, { message: { about: 'thing' } })

gives the following stack trace:

BadRequest: {"about":"thing"} # instead of "BadRequest: [Object object]"
    at ...


Since these augmentations affect the error object itself, you cannot define the following properties: name, status, stack, __proto__, constructor, prototype.

List of HTTP errors

Status Name
400 BadRequest
401 Unauthorized
402 PaymentRequired
403 Forbidden
404 NotFound
405 MethodNotAllowed
406 NotAcceptable
407 ProxyAuthenticationRequired
408 RequestTimeout
409 Conflict
410 Gone
411 LengthRequired
412 PreconditionFailed
413 PayloadTooLarge
414 URITooLong
415 UnsupportedMediaType
416 RequestedRangeNotSatisfiable
417 ExpectationFailed
418 ImATeapot
421 MisdirectedRequest
422 UnprocessableEntity
423 Locked
424 FailedDependency
425 UnorderedCollection
426 UpgradeRequired
428 PreconditionRequired
429 TooManyRequests
431 RequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge
451 UnavailableForLegalReasons
500 InternalServerError
501 NotImplemented
502 BadGateway
503 ServiceUnavailable
504 GatewayTimeout
505 HTTPVersionNotSupported
506 VariantAlsoNegotiates
507 InsufficientStorage
508 LoopDetected
509 BandwidthLimitExceeded
510 NotExtended
511 NetworkAuthenticationRequired