- B.C., Canada
Webrat - Ruby Acceptance Testing for Web applications
mperham / memcache-client
Forked from fiveruns/memcache-clientRuby library for accessing memcached.
han / stalker
Forked from adamwiggins/stalkerA minimalist queueing DSL for Beanstalk.
A Rails plugin that lets you embed actions in your views (with caching and response_to support)
Typed serialize makes sure your serialized attribute is always the specified type.
A wrapper for Hashes to prevent frozen values when storing in memcached as well as automatically keeping the cached copy up to date.
knzai / cache_fu
Forked from defunkt/cache_fuEveryone's favorite memcached plugin for ActiveRecord.
Yeah, another wrapper for the REST API of Flickr
jerrett / rack
Forked from rack/racka modular Ruby webserver interface
jerrett / tartarus
Forked from miyucy/tartarusException logging for Rails, with a clean interface.
jerrett / cache_fu
Forked from knzai/cache_fuEveryone's favorite memcached plugin for ActiveRecord.
jerrett / facebooker
Forked from mmangino/facebookerThe facebooker Rails plugin
jerrett / embedded-actions
Forked from sd/embedded-actionsA Rails plugin that lets you embed actions in your views (with caching and response_to support)
jerrett / diggr
Forked from drewolson/diggrruby wrapper for the digg api with nice syntax