1 Page Proposal
Sheet: https://docs.google.com/document/d/11xb9zISBw0fiRCB4fgo7ZTM5yaxRgwao95cqdIfIDMY/edit?usp=sharing
A brief articulation of your chosen topic and rationale
To display the significant disparity between the price a producer is paid and the price a retail coffee is sold for.
A link to your dataset(s) and a screenshot of the metadata if it exists.
See Data and images folders
what will a user see when they come to my app?
A series of views displaying the significant disparity between the price a producer is paid and the price a retail coffee is sold for.
how does data go from source to user?
The data will be stored on a PostGRESQL database set up in AWS via Heroku. Our heroku HTML page will display embedded Tableau
How did I get the data?
ICO statistician and a web scrapped coffee quality source http://www.ico.org/new_historical.asp Data source 2 - https://github.com/jldbc/coffee-quality-database
How do I store it?
AWS PostgreSQL
How does the data flow from data store to client[0]?
AWS PostgreSQL ->Tableau Embed->Javascript->HTML
Questions: To display the significant disparity between the price a producer is paid and the price a retail coffee is sold for. Visuals (dashboards) Grower Price VS. Grade of Quality Grade of coffee by region compared to each other Grade of coffee compared Grade of coffee compared to retail price Grade of coffee compared to FOB Trend of grade over time Grower versus Retail Price Producer cut compared to other producer cuts Trend retail price compared to FOB Arabica versus Robusta Build the Tableau in the dashboard (Chris) Build a project board (Chris)
Data issues: Currency Conversion Year/Inflation
Local to USD Don't need to convert to a single currency. Instead we can just compare percentage increase over a period of time Remaining Cleanup GrowersPrice Convert units to the same at least for regions (continents) Understand units (look at Jesse Notes) RetailPrice Get this to cleaned csv
General Assignments: Yin: View Chris:View Jesse: Heroku Jack: Grower price vs. subjective score
Resources: Jesse Notes on ICO: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1VMSlVgUwJBXHNxsePEq7YC_8QmAdw6OXg71Fuensjw0/edit?usp=sharing Github Branches and More: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BCQHnlnPusY Inflation: Investopedia: https://www.investopedia.com/terms/i/inflation_adjusted_return.asp Data?: https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/FP.CPI.TOTL.ZG Exchange Rates This is the main landing page: https://data.imf.org/?sk=4c514d48-b6ba-49ed-8ab9-52b0c1a0179b&sId=1409151240976 Here's the interactive but tedious table: https://data.imf.org/regular.aspx?key=61545862 Note: Use the exchange rate by the period average
Specific Requirements check:
Your visualization must include a Python Flask–powered RESTful API, HTML/CSS, JavaScript, and at least one database (SQL, MongoDB, SQLite, etc.).
Your project should fall into one of the below four tracks: ○ A custom “creative” D3.js project (i.e., a nonstandard graph or chart) ○ A combination of web scraping and Leaflet or Plotly ○ A dashboard page with multiple charts that update from the same data ○ A “thick” server that performs multiple manipulations on data in a database prior to visualization (must be approved)
Your project should include at least one JS library that we did not cover.
Your project must be powered by a data set with at least 100 records.
Your project must include some level of user-driven interaction (e.g., menus, dropdowns, textboxes).
Your final visualization should ideally include at least three views.