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ESP32 Based GPS Navigator (LVGL - LovyanGFX).

  • Note: Under development (experimental features under devel branch)
  • There is the possibility to use two types of maps: Rendered Maps or Tiles (large files), and Vector Maps (small files).
Don't forget to star ⭐️ this repository


Do not use in production (Experimental features).


Splash Screen Compass Rendered Map Vectorized Map Satellite Info
Settings Compass Calibration Touch Calibration Map Settings Device Settings


For the moment Icenav works with the next hardware setup and specs Highly recommended an ESP32 with PSRAM :

Customboard ESP32 setup

  • ESP32 WROVER with 4Mb PSRAM / 16 Mb Flash
  • SD/MicroSD reader
  • HCM5883L Magnetometer
  • BME280 Temperature / Humidity sensor
  • MPU6050 Accelerometer and Gyroscope IMU
  • HT1818Z3G5L GPS Module (AT6558D)

Makerfabs ESP32-S3 setup

  • ESP32-S3-WROOM-1 with 2Mb PSRAM / 16 Mb Flash
  • MicroSD reader
  • FT6236 Capactive Touch Panel Driver
  • HT1612Z3M3L GPS Module (AT6558D)
  • MPU9250 (Compass+IMU)


Driver 1 Resolution SPI 8bit 16bit Touch Build Flags 2
ILI9488 320x480 yes --- --- XPT2046 -D ILI9488_XPT2046_SPI = 1
ILI9488 320x480 --- --- yes FT5x06 -D ILI9488_FT5x06_16B = 1
ILI9341 320x240 yes --- --- XPT2046 -D ILI9341_XPT2046_SPI = 1

Other setups like another sensors, etc... not listed in the specs, now They are not included

If you wish to add any other type of sensor, module, etc., you can create a PR without any problem, and we will try to implement it. Thank you!


   Pinout (ESP32-WROVER)
   HCM5883L      BME280        MPU6050       ILI9488        SD CARD        VBAT             GPS
   VCC 3,3v      VCC 5v        VCC 3.3v      VCC  3,3v      VCC  3,3v      GPIO34           VCC  3,3v
   GND GND       GND GND       GND GND       GND  GND       GND  GND       ADC1_CHANNEL_6   GND  GND
   SDA GPIO21    SDA GPIO21    SDA GPIO21    LED  GPIO33    CS   GPIO4     (Resist. div)    RX   GPIO25
   SCL GPIO22    SCL GPIO22    SCL GPIO22    MISO GPIO27    MISO GPIO19                     TX   GPIO26
                                             SCK  GPIO14    SCK  GPIO12
                                             MOSI GPIO13    MOSI GPIO23
                                             DC   GPIO15
                                             RST  GPIO32
                                             CS   GPIO2
                                             LED  GPIO33
                                             TCS  GPIO18
                                             TIRQ GPIO5

   Pinout (ESP32S3-MakerFabs)
   GPS (HT1612Z3M3L)  MPU9250
   VCC 3,3v           VCC 3.3v
   GND GND            GND GND
   TX  GPIO17         SDA GPIO38
   RX  GPIO18         SCL GPIO39

SD Map Tile File structure

Using Maperitive select your zone and generate your tiles. For that enter to MAP-> Set Geometry bounds draw or expand the square of your zone and run the command generate-tiles minzoom=6 maxzoom=17, It could takes long time, maybe 1 hour or more depending your area.

Maperitive zone selection

After that, copy the contents of directory Tiles into your SD in a directory called MAP.

On SD Card map tiles (256x256 PNG Format) should be stored, in these folders structure:

  [ MAP ]
     |________ [ zoom folder (number) ]
                          |__________________ [ tile X folder (number) ]
                                                         |_______________________ tile Y file.png

SD Vectorized Map File structure

Using OSM_Extract you can generate binary map files to later create vector maps. Once generated, these files should be saved in the mymap folder on the SD card.

The PBF files can be downloaded from the geofabrik website.

The PBF files should be saved in the pbf directory. Once saved, you should select the region or boundaries for which the GeoJSON files will be generated.

To obtain the boundaries, please check the website.

For generate GeoJSON files run inside maps directory:

ogr2ogr -t_srs EPSG:3857 -spat min_lon min_lat max_lon max_lat map_lines.geojson /pbf/downloaded.pbf lines

ogr2ogr -t_srs EPSG:3857 -spat min_lon min_lat max_lon max_lat map_polygons.geojson /pbf/downloaded.pbf multipolygons

For generate binary map files run inside maps directory.

/scripts/./ min_lon min_lat max_lon max_lat map

Once the process is completed, the maps will be inside the maps/mymap directory. Copy all folders to the SD card except the test_imgs directory.

Please follow the instructions provided by OSM_Extract for any further questions.

Firmware install


Please install first PlatformIO open source ecosystem for IoT development compatible with Arduino IDE and its command line tools (Windows, MacOs and Linux). Also, you may need to install git in your system.

For custom ESP32 board run:

pio run --target upload

For ESP32S3 Makerfab board:

pio run -e MAKERF_ESP32S3 --target upload

After the first run, load the icons and assets with:

pio run --target uploadfs


Optional, for map debugging version with specific coordinates, build and install the firmware with the next environment variables, like this:

export ICENAV3_LAT=52.5200
export ICENAV3_LON=13.4049
pio run --target upload


For production version don't forget unset these environment variables.

If the GPS module supports multiple GNSS, uncomment the following flag in the platformio.ini file under the build_flags section


Depending on the IMU used, it will be necessary to indicate the following flags in the platformio.ini file.

First enable the compass



-D IMU_HMC5883L=1


-D IMU_MPU9250=1


  • LVGL 9 Integration
  • Support other resolutions and TFT models
  • Wifi CLI Manager
  • GPX Integration
  • Multiple IMU's and Compass module implementation
  • Power saving
  • Vector maps
  • Google Maps navigation style
  • Optimize code
  • Fix bugs!
  • Web file server



  1. See hal.hpp for pinouts configuration

  2. In the platformio.ini file under the build_flags section