This is the Verilog you'll need to compile for the ATF1502 - i'll add compiled binaries later!
So, grab Quartus II v13.0 SP1 from Intel: - this is the last version that supports the EPM7xxx series (known as the MAX7000 series), which the ATF1502 is a pin-compatible version of.
Use Quartus II to compile the verilog to a .pof file.
This is a good guide for how to do this:
Grab POF2JED next:
Convert the .pof file to a .jed
Then it's a matter of burning the .jed onto the ATF1502ASV itself. You'll need a JTAG programmer like the Atmel ByteBlaster, or the ATDH1150USB-K (available from Mouser electronics and digikey).
For this, you'll need ATMISP:
For a 'How-To' video, this will give you a good overview: