Observability duo: Logging and Tracing.
Notice: this project is in the experimental stage and not production-ready. Use at your own risk.
Duo is an easy-to-use observability solution that provides both logging and tracing capabilities for Rust applications. While traditional observability solutions are powerful (such as ELK, jaegertracing, etc), it is also complex to deploy and maintain. Duo aimed to provide a less-powerful but complete set of observability features, with extremely simple deployment and maintenance.
This project was inspired by tracing and console, which mainly consist of multiple components:
- duo-api - a wire protocol for logging and tracing data. The wire format is defined using gRPC and protocol buffers.
- duo-subscriber - instrumentation for collecting logging and tracing data from a process and exposing it over the wire format.
crate in this repository contains an implementation of the instrumentation-side API as a tracing-subscriber Layer, for projects using Tokio and tracing. - duo-ui - the web UI for duo. Currently, we just use the jaeger-ui for tracing and have no UI for logging. The future repository is here: duo-rs/duo-ui.
- duo-server - the aggregating server to collect tracing and logging data and interact with duo web UI.
Duo is mainly a musical terminology meaning a musical composition for two performers in which the performers have equal importance to the piece, often a composition involving two singers or two pianists.
The famous duo band is Brooklyn Duo, you can visit this video (Canon in D (Pachelbel's Canon) - Cello & Piano) to learn more about them.
I personally think the logging and tracing have equal importance to observability, they are just like a duo band to help you diagnose your application.
cargo install duo
Run duo
$ duo
gRPC server listening on
Web server listening on
Open at your local browser to wait application report data.
duo-subscriber = "0.1"
async fn main() {
let fmt_layer = fmt::layer();
let uri = Uri::from_static("");
let (duo_layer, handle) = DuoLayer::with_handle("example", uri).await;
For more example, please see examples directory.
Run your application then check the to see the tracing data.
Support tracing diagnosing with Jaeger UI.
Build duo web UI.
Support logging diagnosing.
Support arrow-ipc WAL.
Batch sync WAL to parquet files.
Support Object Store.
Integrate Apache Iceberg?
Support OpenTelemetry specification, aimed to be a lightweight OpenTelemetry backend.
This project is licensed under the MIT license.