- enhancement: @antoinepairet: Add support for
file extension - development: Moved changelog to CHANGELOG.md
- development: @jasonsims: Added [TravisCI][travisci] integration [travisci]: https://travis-ci.org/niftylettuce/node-email-templates
- development: @jasonsims: Deprecated windows branch and module
- bugfix: @miguelmota: Batch templateName issue
- bugfix: Misc bugfixes to main
- development: @jasonsims: Abstracted templateManager
- development: @jasonsims: Added integration tests
- development: @jasonsims: Added unit tests
- enhancement: @jasonsims: Added support for various CSS pre-processors
- enhancement: @jasonsims: Added support for multiple HTML template engines
- bugfix: Long path issue for Windows
- bugfix: Batch documentation issue
- bugfix: Juice dependency issue
- enhancement: Minor updates
- enhancement: @nicjansma: Added support for ejs's include directive
- bugfix: @vekexasia: Fixed batch problem (...has no method slice)
enhancement: Added support for an optional zlib compression type. You can now return compressed html/text buffer for db storage
template('newsletter', locals, 'deflateRaw', function(err, html, text) { // The `html` and `text` are buffers compressed using zlib.deflateRaw // <http://nodejs.org/docs/latest/api/zlib.html#zlib_zlib_deflateraw_buf_callback> // **NOTE**: You could also pass 'deflate' or 'gzip' if necessary, and it works with batch rendering as well })
- enhancement: Removed requirement for style.css and text.ejs files with compatibility in node v0.6.x to v0.8.x. It now utilizes path.exists instead of fs.exists respectively.