LIO-SAM: Tightly-coupled Lidar Inertial Odometry via Smoothing and Mapping
A computationally efficient and robust LiDAR-inertial odometry (LIO) package
Detailed comments for ORB-SLAM2 with trouble-shooting, key formula derivation, and diagrammatic drawing
A robust LiDAR Odometry and Mapping (LOAM) package for Livox-LiDAR
An efficient and consistent bundle adjustment for lidar mapping
A Robust LiDAR-Inertial Odometry for Livox LiDAR
LiLi-OM is a tightly-coupled, keyframe-based LiDAR-inertial odometry and mapping system for both solid-state-LiDAR and conventional LiDARs.
[RA-L 2022] An efficient and probabilistic adaptive voxel mapping method for LiDAR odometry
gisbi-kim / FAST_LIO_SLAM
Forked from hku-mars/FAST_LIOLiDAR SLAM = FAST-LIO + Scan Context
Drivers for receiving LiDAR data and more, support Lidar Mid-40, Mid-70, Tele-15, Horizon, Avia.
SSL_SLAM: Lightweight 3-D Localization and Mapping for Solid-State LiDAR IEEE RA-L 2021
Robust LiDAR SLAM with a versatile plug-and-play loop closing and pose-graph optimization.
An all-in-one and ready-to-use LiDAR-inertial odometry system for Livox LiDAR
[RAL 2023] A globally consistent LiDAR map optimization module
ICRA 2021 - Robust Place Recognition using an Imaging Lidar
The tight integration of FAST-LIO with Radius-Search-based loop closure module.
A probabilistic voxelmap-based LiDAR-Inertial Odometry.
iG-LIO: An Incremental GICP-based Tightly-coupled LiDAR-inertial Odometry
Livox device driver under ros, support Lidar Mid-40, Mid-70, Tele-15, Horizon, Avia.
Asynchronous Multiple LiDAR-Inertial Odometry using Point-wise Inter-LiDAR Uncertainty Propagation
[IEEE T-RO 2023] A modularized multi-robot SLAM system with elevation mapping and a costmap converter for easy navigation. Different odometry and loop closure algorithms can be easily integrated in…
[RA-L] BoW3D: Bag of Words for Real-Time Loop Closing in 3D LiDAR SLAM.
Lvio-Fusion: A Self-adaptive Multi-sensor Fusion SLAM Framework Using Actor-critic Method (IROS 2021)
A SLAM implementation combining FAST-LIO2 with pose graph optimization and loop closing based on Quatro and Nano-GICP