this is source connector moudle for mongo,you can run this by running rocketmq connecotr api,
some junit rely on mongo database you can flow step run a mongo container
docker run -p27027:27017 --name mongo-test -d mongo:4.0.10 --replSet "repl1"
docker exec -it mongo-test mongo
init a mongo replicaSet run all junit test
method MongoFactoryTest#testSSLTrustStore
is for mongo ssl or tsl test,need mongod config ssl mode, if you want use ssl or tsl you need
modify junit , appoint ssl or tsl pem path and password。
param | Description | type |
mongoAddr | shardName=replicaSetName/,,; | string, split by ; |
mongoUserName | mongo root username | string |
mongoPassWord | mongo root password | string |
interestDbAndCollection | {"dbName":["collection1","collection2"]}, collectionName can be "*" means all collection | json |
positionTimeStamp | mongo oplog bsontimestamp.value , runtime store position is highest level |
int |
positionInc | mongo oplog , runtime store position is highest level |
int |
dataSync | sync all interestDbAndCollection data, runtime store position is highest level | json, Map<String(dbName), List<String(collectionName)>> |
serverSelectionTimeoutMS | mongo driver select replicaServer timeout | long |
connectTimeoutMS | mongo driver connect socket timeout | long |
socketTimeoutMS | mongo driver read or write timeout | long |
ssl or tsl | mongo driver use ssl or tsl | boolean |
tlsInsecure or sslInvalidHostNameAllowed | mongo driver when use ssl or tsl allow invalid hostname | boolean |
compressors | compressors way | string (zlib or snappy) |
zlibCompressionLevel | zlib compressors level | int (1-7) |
trustStore | ssl pem | path |
trustStorePassword | ssl pem decrypt password | string |{"connector-class":"org.apache.connect.mongo.connector.MongoSourceConnector","oms-driver-url":"oms:rocketmq://localhost:9876/default:default","mongoAddr":"rep1/,,","source-record-converter":"org.apache.rocketmq.connect.runtime.converter.JsonConverter"}