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this is source connector moudle for mongo,you can run this by running rocketmq connecotr api,

some junit rely on mongo database you can flow step run a mongo container

  • docker run -p27027:27017 --name mongo-test -d mongo:4.0.10 --replSet "repl1"
  • docker exec -it mongo-test mongo
  • rs.initiate()

init a mongo replicaSet run all junit test

a special junit

method MongoFactoryTest#testSSLTrustStore is for mongo ssl or tsl test,need mongod config ssl mode, if you want use ssl or tsl you need modify junit , appoint ssl or tsl pem path and password。

task config params

param Description type
mongoAddr shardName=replicaSetName/,,; string, split by ;
mongoUserName mongo root username string
mongoPassWord mongo root password string
interestDbAndCollection {"dbName":["collection1","collection2"]}, collectionName can be "*" means all collection json
positionTimeStamp mongo oplog bsontimestamp.value, runtime store position is highest level int
positionInc mongo oplog, runtime store position is highest level int
dataSync sync all interestDbAndCollection data, runtime store position is highest level json, Map<String(dbName), List<String(collectionName)>>
serverSelectionTimeoutMS mongo driver select replicaServer timeout long
connectTimeoutMS mongo driver connect socket timeout long
socketTimeoutMS mongo driver read or write timeout long
ssl or tsl mongo driver use ssl or tsl boolean
tlsInsecure or sslInvalidHostNameAllowed mongo driver when use ssl or tsl allow invalid hostname boolean
compressors compressors way string (zlib or snappy)
zlibCompressionLevel zlib compressors level int (1-7)
trustStore ssl pem path
trustStorePassword ssl pem decrypt password string

use case{"connector-class":"org.apache.connect.mongo.connector.MongoSourceConnector","oms-driver-url":"oms:rocketmq://localhost:9876/default:default","mongoAddr":"rep1/,,","source-record-converter":"org.apache.rocketmq.connect.runtime.converter.JsonConverter"}