Code repository for RL4CO. Based on TorchRL and the Lightning-Hydra-Template best practices.
Colone project and install dependencies:
git clone && cd rl4co
pip install light-the-torch && python3 -m light_the_torch install --upgrade -r requirements.txt
The above script will automatically install PyTorch with the right GPU version for your system. Alternatively, you can use pip install -r requirements.txt
. Alternatively, you can install the package locally with pip install -e .
Train model with default configuration (AM on TSP environment):
Train model with chosen experiment configuration from configs/experiment/
# Change experiment (e.g. tsp/am, and environment with 42 cities)
python experiment=tsp/am env.num_loc=42
# Disable logging
python experiment=tsp/am logger='null'
# Create a sweep over hyperparameters (-m for multirun)
python -m experiment=tsp/am,1e-4,1e-5
Run tests with pytest
pytest tests/test_*.py
We will enable automated tests when we make the repo public.
Note: general layout, may be subject to change
├── .github <- Github Actions workflows
├── configs <- Hydra configs
│ ├── callbacks <- Callbacks configs
│ ├── data <- Data configs
│ ├── debug <- Debugging configs
│ ├── experiment <- Experiment configs
│ ├── extras <- Extra utilities configs
│ ├── hparams_search <- Hyperparameter search configs
│ ├── hydra <- Hydra configs
│ ├── local <- Local configs
│ ├── logger <- Logger configs
│ ├── model <- Model configs
│ ├── paths <- Project paths configs
│ ├── trainer <- Trainer configs
│ │
│ ├── eval.yaml <- Main config for evaluation
│ └── train.yaml <- Main config for training
├── data <- Project data
├── logs <- Logs generated by hydra and lightning loggers
├── notebooks <- Jupyter notebooks. Naming convention is a number (for ordering),
│ the creator's initials, and a short `-` delimited description,
│ e.g. `1.0-jqp-initial-data-exploration.ipynb`.
├── scripts <- Shell scripts
├── rl4co <- Source code # NOTE: WIP
│ ├── envs <- RL environments
│ ├── models <- Model scripts
│ ├── rl <- RL algorithms
│ ├── utils <- Utility scripts
│ │
│ ├── <- Run evaluation
│ └── <- Run training
├── tests <- Tests of any kind
├── .env.example <- Example of file for storing private environment variables
├── .gitignore <- List of files ignored by git
├── .pre-commit-config.yaml <- Configuration of pre-commit hooks for code formatting
├── .project-root <- File for inferring the position of project root directory
├── Makefile <- Makefile with commands like `make train` or `make test`
├── pyproject.toml <- Configuration options for testing and linting
├── requirements.txt <- File for installing python dependencies
├── <- File for installing project as a package