Need a last-minute date idea? We've got you covered. Check it out at
- Product Owner: Adam Hedgpeth
- Scrum Master: Alex Liotta
- Development Team Members: Jing Pei, Jessica Chong
- Please read the deployment guide! Even if you are not interested in deploying the app, there's a tremendous amount of information on how to seed databases and get your local dateworthy up and running!
- Please read the contribution guide. There's a wealth of client and server tests at your disposal, and any pull request made to dateworthy must pass continuous integration tests before it can be merged.
- neo4j v2.2.5
- npm 2.14+
- bower 1.6.5+
You will need a populated neo4j database. To seed your local neo4j database with dateworthy data, navigate from the root directory to /dateServer/data-helpers/ and run:
node seedAllLocal.js
Make sure to point the server to your local neo4j database at /dateServer/models/db.js to populate it with some seed data. The default local installation will start neo4j at port 7474.
From within the root directory:
sudo npm install
From within the dateServer/ directory
sudo npm install
Our npm install
command also includes a postinstall script that runs bower install
, so you don't need to manually run bower install
This project was a labor of love. The dateworthy team, The Nefarious Chickens, are hoping to bring some of these features in the future:
- A welcome back workflow to like dates you've already seen
- Foursquare auth to avoid rate limits on venues returned
- The ability to submit ideas through the app
- Date reviews and a date idea community
- Troll mode to give people absurd date ideas
- Infrastructure improvements, more tests, and other things we haven't thought of!
See for contribution guidelines.
Dateworthy uses test suites written in Mocha, Karma, Chai and Jasmine. On every pull request, the tests are automatically run using Travis continuous integration. To run the test suites locally, use the following command from your route directory:
npm test
Some resources that helped us start this project include:
- Aseem Kishore's Node-Neo4j Template
- Ionic's Getting Started Guide
- The Foursquare API
- Google Maps Javascript API
- @r-wettstaedt's ngOpenFB Angular Module